Reflected Light: Blog en-us (C) Reflected Light [email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 20 Sep 2024 22:19:00 GMT Fri, 20 Sep 2024 22:19:00 GMT Reflected Light: Blog 100 120 A Sunday Walk Pasadena, the town I've lived in, off and on for  the last 50 or so years, lies nestled at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains. One of the high points in the range is Mount Wilson. It was named for Benamin Davis Wilson, a local rancher who built the first modern trail to the top in 1864. Wilson was also the grandfather of General George Patton, a bloke you might have heard of.

Last Sunday I finally ran out of excuses not to walk up the mountain.

I started early. It was an overcast morning.

Here are some pictures I made along the way.












Finally, breaking through the clouds...


At the top of the mountain is the Observatory, started in about 1900. This is the 100 inch telescope...



Heading back down. The remenants of a fire that nearly destroyed the observatory a couple of years ago are still evident...





Back down to the San Gabriel Valley.



A good days walk.

Elevation gain: 5,710 feet

Distance covered: 16.5 miles

A leasurly 10 hours walk.


I hope you enjoyed the ride. Thanks for looking.







[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 20 Sep 2024 22:18:29 GMT
Aerials I like the window seat...sometimes you get a view worth hanging on to...


This is one aspect of my home town





Another kind of pattern...




Mt. Saint Helens 44 years after the big bang...




A different bit of geology in the making...




A river runs through it...




Cloud shadows...




Leaving Holland...




The Palos Verdes peninsula...




...and the big drama shot...


 ...So grab that window seat, you never know what you'll see.

Thanks for looking.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 07 Sep 2024 23:04:35 GMT
iClouds I've been digging through my iPhone.

A collection of clouds...











Now for a bit of color...






























Its been fun looking back through the collection on the iPhone....More to come...

Thanks for taking the time to have a look.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 26 Aug 2024 01:03:57 GMT
After the Fire There was a bad fire in the eastern Mojave this summer and a lot of Joshua trees were caught.

The plan was to take a look at was left.


One of the big new solar collectors on the way east...



On the dirt at last, a couple of Joshua's to lead me on...




This burn victem must have been an old tree, they only grow a few inches a year...




and another...




A couple of young 'uns...


A cholla to hold up a fence...



Not just the Joshuas burned....



I think of this as the last of the Mohicans...


The Joshua trees are threatened by the warming climate as they live in a narrow band of temperature and altitude. They won't be able to migrate fast enough to stay ahead of the changes. The only insect that pollinates them is a moth and that's suffering from the climate too...

...wish them, and the rest of us, luck.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 02:00:32 GMT
A daily walk Sometimes its a little tricky to get started again after you've stopped doing for a while.

I haven't had the camera out.

Easy to find reasons not to go picture subject...the light's bad...whatever.

The way to beat that state of mind is to take the camera and go take pictures.

So I did...


Palm trees, nice light, click...



A friend died recently...I saw this image and thought of him...



A bird on a roof and a good crop...Japanese print time...



Old town Pasadena has some empty spots still...the white door got my attention...



Twin Palms was an outdooor restaurant much loved in the day. Now the restaurant is gone and so are the palms...



This is where the band played...



Not much left inside either...



A walk in the other dirction takes you to the bridges over the Arroyo Seco...




And of course, a warning from the municipality...



It feels good to be out taking pictures again. 

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 26 Jan 2023 01:57:04 GMT
Joshua rides again A very quick trip to the desert.

A good friend found a hidden valley with a Joshua Tree forrest tucked into it. 

What better excuse for a drive.


Joshua Trees grow about 2 inches a year and live, on average, 500 years.




The ghost of Joshua past...



Young tree...



Looking up...




Looking through...



A tree for the ages, prehistory to now...Not sure these convoluted, beautiful monsters are going to make it through the warming. They propogate by means of the Yucca Moth, which lays its eggs in the trees' flowers and isn't doing well with climate change.




Click on an image to isolate it on your screen. Bigger screens are better. 

Thanks for looking.

I hope you enjoyed.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 30 Aug 2022 00:23:20 GMT
Oed' und leer das meer... ...A week near the beach and, you guessed it, seascapes.

The heading is a quote from The Wasteland (by T.S. Eliot, who nicked it from Wagner), translates as "Empty and desolate is the sea"...which is true, but also true is how spectacularly it changes through the day.

Talk about "Never a dull moment..."















...and a bit of Drama...




Thanks for looking.



PS: Technical note for those who lean that way...the vignetting in the first two shots came from a filter holder on the lens. I didn't notice it when taking the photo but I liked the old timey feel it left, so I kept it.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 22 Aug 2022 23:28:24 GMT
Artichoke update Digging through the old files I found one more artichoke image I really liked...







Click on the image to make it larger and a larger screen gives you more of everything.


I hope you all enjoy, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 02 Aug 2022 23:31:12 GMT
Gloves Patterns and shapes within patterns can almost always get my attention. 

It's a bit like trying to read hieroglyphics without the Rosetta Stone, whatever you see, so it is...

Just one image this week. Click on it to make it larger.





And a nod of the head to Mr. Penn.


Thanks for looking.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 26 Jun 2022 17:38:24 GMT
Artichoke Flower  

A friend of mine grew artichokes this year. They just went to flower. I couldn't resist, so I stole them.

They look a little prehistoric to me, or perhaps like sea anemones. 






They drift a bit...










Final shot...







As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 04 Jun 2022 00:40:10 GMT
January 1st 2022 Overflight Three quick shots of your tax dollars at work.

















I hope everyone has a safe New Year.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 01 Jan 2022 17:49:30 GMT
Pumpkin Time It's autumn, fall, coming on to the Thanksgiving Holiday here in the USA.  Coming on to Winter everywhere in the Northern half of the planet.  The veggies in the market are changing and all the gourdes, pumpkins and winter squash are showing up. 

I found three really small (maybe 2-1/2" diameter) white pumpkins at the market. 

Here are some shots for the season:







Now we go tho Black & White...



















Enjoy the season. Love to all. 



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 31 Oct 2021 22:02:17 GMT
Epiphytes The blog's been quiet. So here's a bit of what I've been up to...

I've always found something fascinating about 19th Century botanical illustrations, those meticulous drawings of plants that pull your eye into their excruciating detail.

That lead to this project.

Not too long ago we got a bunch of Epiphytes. They are pretty and distinctive in a spiky sort of way. Individually they brought my mind back to those 19C botanical illustrators.

The longer I looked at them, the more they seemed to show off personalities and even eccentricities.

I love the complexity of the intertwining leaves and fronds, some of them seem to strike a pose, attitude everywhere...

Here 's what the camera caught...

Right click on a picture to isolate it on screen (yes, a bigger screen shows off the pics better and if you're new to the blog, look to the bottom of the post for links to earlier stuff).





















That's it for this post. Please feel free to hunt through older posts, below. 

As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 30 Sep 2021 17:54:21 GMT
Ghostly Grove  

This is Lake Casitas in the Santa Inez Mountains, Ventura County, Southern California


Driving through theses hills I came on an old Avocado Grove. 

The white stumps offered interesting possibilities.  I asked the rancher, he was OK with letting me tramp around.

Here are the images that came from that.


































Thanks to the owner, Jamie, and his manager, Ted, for letting me on the property. 

I hope you enjoy the results.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 06 Aug 2021 18:33:07 GMT
A Different Sword Some of you will remember the Swiss Cavalry saber that I photographed and put up on the blog some time ago. (Here's a link to the old sword if you're curious


A friend lent me his 300 year old Japanese short sword the other day. Here are the results.


This simple little piece of bamboo is what holds the whole thing together. It pins the hilt to the sword itself. It's about 1/3" long.



Not much to it.


This is called the Habaki (blade collar). I'm convinced the maker had a meteor shower in mind...







Here it is, on the sword...






Last, but very much not least, is the word itself. A great deal of effort went into the temper line that flows like the ocean along the blade...




A beautiful, old, sophisticated and deadly.


Thanks for having a look.






[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 08 Jun 2021 00:29:09 GMT
The Trip to Fat Mountain On one of the roads from Los Angeles to the high Mojave you drive past the Trona Pinnacles.

Here's a look...




Further North, on the East side of Owens lake there's an old mining town know as Cerro Gordo (Fat Mountain). The mineshaft below this building goes down around 9,000 feet. 

The guy who now owns the Ghost Town has been down it, he's trying to get a well to work down there. The town's at about 8,500 above sea level.






A bit further east, between the Panamint and Saline valleys is an area called Lee's Flat. It's where you'll find one of the largest Joshua Tree forests in the USA. 






These trees are weird, wonderful and threatened by global warming. They only propagate in a narrow band between about 1,500 and 5,500 feet and require a moth that evolved with the trees (co-evolution in fancy speak)  to pollinate. If the moth goes so, probably, do the trees.


This one is starting to go...


This dancer is also on the way out. Note the forrest behind it, all Joshua Trees...



They give a photographer some pretty interesting shapes to play with...








Back up at Cerro Gordo, I found a bit of tin that took me back to Aaron Siskind, a photographer with a wonderful eye for the abstract...In homage...





And a final look around caught a bit of old Robo Culture...





The gap where you stick in the hand crank gives it away...


Thanks  for looking, I hope you enjoyed.




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 19 May 2021 23:21:26 GMT
An Island There's a place called The Racetrack in a remote section of Death Valley. It's a dry lakebed and has an "island" in its center. The island is what's left of an old volcano, basically the lava plug, the rest of the hill has eroded. 

I've been there many times over the years and tried to make a lot of photos of the area.

This time I went back with a specific light in mind. I was looking for a setting sun shot that would backlight the island and still give a bit of light along the mountain behind it.

I think it worked.

This isn't the only picture from the trip, but the rest will follow in a separate post.

Thanks for taking a look.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 19 May 2021 20:04:37 GMT
Spring 2021 Here is the first image for the year. I took it in Palm Desert, a small town out in the Mojave, a bit of a resort and somewhat stuck in time somewhere between 1950 and about 1965.

The chairs speak of that period.





When I saw this, before taking the picture, it felt like either the beginning or the end of a story.

The light, which was just the 5:30 pm light on that day, looked theatrical, suggested some sort of drama.

There are two of everything, two chairs, two trees two and white...

So are the chairs waiting for someone to come and sit on them, or did someone just leave?

As always, thanks for taking the time to have a look.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 20 Apr 2021 00:59:06 GMT
2020 End of the year and I'm trying to figure out how to remember it. I'm not sure I want to.

I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone who wants to.

So what did the year amount to? 

For me, four haircuts about sums it up...






The next one should be better.


Have a wonderful, happy, peaceful kind and loving 2021.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:26:46 GMT
Autumn Ginkos Autumn is late and short in Southern California. One of the only ways to tell that it IS autumn is to catch the leaves changing. 

And Ginko trees are amongst the few deciduous trees we have.


Good excuse to try some still lives.


Irving Penn did a shot of two ginko leaves and it ended up on the cover of his book, Passage.

This first image is my knock-off of that shot.




The original had a bit less negative space, but his leaves were a different shape. Also, he used a white backdrop but I love my rusty old bit of steel. 

So much for tributes to the master!




A chalice...







And a single leaf...







Another pair...








A softer image to close on...





Lots of texture and interesting shapes.


A bit of trivia. The Ginkgo is one of the oldest extant trees.  Fossils dating back 270 million years have been found.

Perhaps leading us to hope for the future...



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 09 Dec 2020 00:29:04 GMT
Wildrose to Lee Flat One valley to the west of Death Valley lies the Panamint Valley. One of the routes through from one to the other goes by way of an old mining town, Wildrose.

I drove through there in a hurry last year and missed the chance of a photo of a grand old cottenwood tree. I told myself I'd be back to collect it. 

Well the cottonwood in question didn't make it, but I got some images anyway. 

Click on an image to get rid of the verbiage and isolate the photo.

Before getting to the tree in question there was some road to cover...







Up the hill at Mahogany Flats you'll find a series of old charcoal kilns. They were only in use for about three years (presumably the mine where the charcoal was used to extract ore ran out of the good stuff) but they are well built and still there to see...



From the inside...




At sunset...




The next morning...




Speaking of that tree I set out to find...







Looking back, there are a couple of younger trees coming up to replace the old one...








A photographer who's work I like a lot (Richard Misrach, google him for some intersting stuff) has an image of tumbleweed. I stole that idea for this shot (not tumbleweed, I don't know what the plant is)....




One can spend a while trying to sort that...




The next night I ended up above one of the few remaining Joshua Tree forrests.







Looking back down the alluvial fan from my campsite...




I plan another trip to the trees soon.




Providing things don't erode before I get a chance.



As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 13 Oct 2020 23:58:34 GMT
more buildings Strong, early sunlight and almost any building can be interesting.

This first one is a bit brutal...







Apartment building or cruise ship, or something in between...







This is LosAngeles, so these things count as architecture hereabouts...






102 degrees fahrenheit in Pasadena today, it might be getting closer to autumn where you live.

Thanks for taking a look.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 01 Oct 2020 21:51:58 GMT
Architectural Graphics Black and white photos with an architectural something in common. 

I think this will be an ongoing project.

Here are four images to start with.




In case you wondered...paper window shades from a big box with the early light catching them from outside...




Speaks for itself, as does this  one...




The next shot is one I've been meaning to stop for for a while. Its a townhouse complex next to the Ventura Freeway in Burbank and when the light catches it right, it looks a little sinister to me...




 Or perhaps a bit of a throwback to Bill Brandts' roofs.


See you again soon. Thanks for looking, as always.










[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 10 Sep 2020 00:54:10 GMT
The Birdbath We're still doing the Covid thing here in Pasadena (as if you aren't?). We're getting our appartment painted and some other stuff done, all the stuff you do when you move into a new place. To make that work better (no one getting in each others' way and no one infecting anyone else with anything interesting) we moved out for a while. The last place we stayed had a really great bird bath. I don't often photograph birds, so I set up a tripod and here are the results. 







Then things got a little more crowded...Incoming...




Just the two shots.

Thanks for taking the time. 

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 01 Sep 2020 20:52:32 GMT
Artichoke Still playing with  still lives. I've had these dried artchokes lying around for years.

I really liked the texture and color of the veggies and that old sheet of rusty steel offered a nice textured background.

See if you like them.















Click on an image to center it on your screen.

Thanks for looking and stay well.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 22 Jun 2020 00:20:34 GMT
Tree Time There are a couple of very large ficus trees in the garden behind our building...Sort of fascinating...

Makes me think of an old elephant more than anything else...









The white stuff on the bark is sap.


Thanks for looking. I hope you enjoyed.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 15 May 2020 22:59:15 GMT
Eggspedition Still working on Black & White still lives. 

I've always liked eggs. Not just to eat. They have this perfection of form that pulls all kinds of aesthetic levers for me. 

I haven't tried to photograph them for a while, but as we are still indoors (who knows when the doors get flung open again) it felt like a good time to give them another try.

Here goes, clicking on an image will center it on your screen:












Last not least...




As always, thanks for looking and I hope not to have wasted your time.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 09 May 2020 22:40:40 GMT
The Sword The last post was all about this cool little hook, designed to hang your cavalry sword from your belt. One of the people who saw the post was Jan Maurer, the man who gave me the sword in the first place. 

Jan asked to see some photos of the actual sword. Not unreasonable, regarding...

A little background. The sword was manufactured at the Waffenfabrik Neuhausen,in Northern Switzerland. It is a cavalry trooper's weapon, model 1897. It would have been manufactured at about the period of World War I.

I still love it and consider it a thing of beauty. Form follows function to the Nth degree ...

So here are three images. Jan, I hope you like them...







Look closely and you can see the Swiss cross stamped on the top of the blade, just below the factory stamp. I like the cut on the grip too.






Something dangerous and inherently beautiful. 


Thanks for looking. Clicking on an image will center it on your screen.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 02 May 2020 23:34:52 GMT
Some more still life stuff A long, long time ago, a good family freind, Jan Maurer, gave me an old sword. He'd found it in poor circumstances and had refurbished it. I treasured it as only a small boy can treasure something as beautiful and dangerous as a real cavalry sword.

Some sixty years later, I still have the sword. However the leather fittings have suffered through time and one of the hooks that would have hung the sword from the cavelryman's belt, came off.

I love the shape of that hook. Here are some photos.


















Actually, I think I like the steel background as much as the hook.

Thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:30:45 GMT
A Walk in the Garden Wandering around outside (keeping an approved distance from anything that breathes) I found some interesting debris. 

Picked some of it up and started to look closely. 

I have a window with a nice soft North light so I laid the bits and pieces out on a sheet of drawing paper.

Here are the results.



















Still lives are interesting graphic exercises.

How things balance, direction, points of contact and tension, negative space, all the acedemic stuff.

It's all a bit of a dilemma...And a lot of fun to mess around with.

...I hope you enjoy.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 10 Apr 2020 23:15:19 GMT
Bridges There are two large, parallel bridges leading into Pasadena from the West. The first was built in 1913 and I posted a blog of images taken of it a while ago (

Time to visit it's more contemporary partner.





Here are the two of them...




Sort of a brutalist cathedral to transportation...





For some reason this one makes me think of the underside of an elephant, not that I've ever been to such a place...






Enough Black & White, it's spring!




Keep safe.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 05 Apr 2020 23:41:06 GMT
The man of mystery Here is a portrait of the man with his hand over his face in my prior post.

He wasn't keen on getting his picture taken. 

The response to his image was pretty intense so I'm putting this out.

I think his character speaks for itself in the image.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 01 Apr 2020 23:53:13 GMT
Pasadena, California, 3:00 p.m. 3-25-20 The old curse was "May you live in interesting times". I guess we got there.

On Wednesday last I picked up the camera and went for a walk through Pasadena, a small town (pop.140,000)  on the edge of the Los Angeles conurbation. This is where I live.

Here is what I saw. Remember, clicking on an image makes it bigger.



This in the window of what used to be a high end stereo equipmant dealer, now for lease. These guys left town before the lock down, so the "For Lease" sign isn't relative to the current situation, just adds a certain poignancy.




The main drag...3:00 p.m. March 25th 2020...








The bars are closed...







Outdoor seats looking a little abandoned...










Stores boarded up...







Abandoned protective clothing, the new rubbish phenom.





For me this photo harks back to a series of images Irving Penn made of work gloves. Look him up, his stuff, especially his fashion shoots for Vogue and his advertising images for Neutragena, are worth a look, as are his Peruvian (Cusco Kids) and African images.



Lastley I met a homeless guy. If we think this situation is tough with a roof over our heads, without it must be dreadful. Despite the image, he was brave and cheerful.





Strongest photo of the day.

That's it for today.

Who knows what next week brings, but for as long as it's feasible, I'll be out looking for images.

Beware low flying anything, stay safe.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 27 Mar 2020 21:09:00 GMT
Monda Morning New World Monday morning, March 16th 2020 and the local grocery is looking a little like Venazuela at 8:00a.m.

Hang in there.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 16:54:01 GMT
Funny start to the year This year seems to be getting off to an interesting start.

I don't know how things are in the part of the world you inhabit, but here things are a bit shakey. 

Only one image today and it feels just about right.



So lets keep hanging on.

Best to all, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 13 Mar 2020 00:26:56 GMT
View East We've had a bit of rain recently and, on two successive days that gave me two very different takes on the same view. The San Gabriel Valley was once known as the Valley of the Smokes.




This version has a different crop, more interesting stuff happening in the sky and the fog is gone.



I like them both.

Remember, clicking on a picture will make it larger.

As always, thanks for looking and I hope everyone, everywhere has a peaceful and happy New Year.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:56:32 GMT
Feathers I can't say I ever paid much attention to feathers. Once you see one you start to see more...

...This lead to a series of still lives, I hope you like 'em.

The first image was made in indirect daylight, the rest were lit using strobes.







Amazing colors and lovely detail.





I also spotted some eggs, this shell was tiny, but it worked with the whole bird theme...




The Bluebird (Western Mountain Blubird, for those who care about such things) feathers were amazingly delicate, translucent...





So the ostritch feather seemed a good foil...





Not to mention the raven ...







This image includes (from the bottom up) a woodpecker, the bluebird, parrot and a very young hawk.

As always, thanks for taking the time to have a look.




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 28 Jul 2019 00:16:48 GMT
Petal We bought a bunch of yellow Gladioli at the market a week ago and the petals are starting to drop onto the glass table under the vase.


That allowed me two shots, I'll be interested to see which one appeals the most...


First something more traditional...





Pretty light and one can see the reflection of the rest of the bunch of flowers on the glass tabletop...




This image was a deliberately slow shutter speed, hand held to guarantee blur...




The whole thing seems at the same time more dynamic and more abstract ...



I hope you have fun with the images. Thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 02 Jun 2019 21:17:43 GMT
Tomato Time A very wet spring has led to rich findings at the farmers market. As well as all the good things to eat the market sometimes provides interesting things to photograph...


This tomato was irresistible...




Bright sunlight was the light. Very contrasty but great color...















A different look...




That was inside a Japanese noodle bowl.




This one took me in a Frank Gehry direction...







The thing tasted pretty good too...


As always, click on an image to make it larger.

And thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 28 May 2019 21:47:39 GMT
By the seashore I went up the coast to Oregon recently. The idea was to play golf at place called Bandon Dunes. Magnificent.

(Click on an image to make it larger).

We also had 40 mile an hour winds and a big sea...The pines to the right are somewhere north of 30 feet high...just a perspective thing...








Later that day I took a sunset walk along the beach... Amazing rocks...








After that things moved to black and white as the sun set into the mist offshore...









Quiet reflections...








Different scale...







I hope you liked what I saw.

Thanks for looking, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 19 Apr 2019 22:57:20 GMT
Ducky Day This guy stopped to take a breather in our pool the other day.

I liked the reflections.

Welcome to spring...

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 27 Mar 2019 23:51:32 GMT
Desert Heading back south we caught the sunrise on Mount Whitney. It was 19 degrees Farenheit.








Then we worked our way over to Dante's View, which overlooks Badwater in Death Valley...








From there there was nothing for it but to drive back down to Badwater...





The salt growing back on the floor of the valley after recent rains...






Salt to snow...





Zabriskie Point, something different every time I  go there...









A final view, leaving Death Valley to the south...








The last two blog posts have dealt with a three day trip through California. This place can provide an amazing variety of scenery...

I hope you enjoyed the ride.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 19 Feb 2019 23:25:28 GMT
Californio Central California is still mostly farm country with gently rolling hills spattered with black oak trees and the occasional cow.

We drove south from San Juan Bautista, one of the old mission townes dating from the Californio days before America collected California from Spanish Mexico. .








The old mission sits right on the San Andreas Fault and has somehow survived since its founding in 1797. The town around it retains the flavor of the times...






These guys still hang out on the town's streets. This was the "cock of the walk". I named him The Rooster Donald...







A memorial from the town cemetery ...







Heading south on Route 25 during a green and rainy winter...







I love the gigantic California Oaks...






Route 25 is also known as the Airline Highway. Contrails are ubiquitous...







We drove it early in the morning just as the sun was coming up...











Along the way is the Pinnacles National Park...







Early light...







From there we head south to Lone Pine, Mount Whitney and Death Valley. They'll show up in the next post.

Until then,  thanks for looking, as always.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 15 Feb 2019 23:19:43 GMT
Spring One of the great things about Spring, the season, is how quickly it changes your worldview.

This year we are having a real rainy season, snow pack in the Sierra is at 115% for the time of year and the garden is shouting "More....give me more" as the rains come down.

Also, our nameless tree, who's fruit is much beloved by the feral parrots, has a bumper crop, and the flock comes in to feed in the morning and at sunset.

Two images of spring:



A leaf under water...

This shot taken from the underside of a skylight during a rainstorm...



And the parrots...






This flock is relatively small at about 30 members. I've seen flocks around town that number upwards of 100 birds. But that's just a guess, I just can't count that high, that fast...


Welcome to the new year.


Click on an image to make it larger.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 02 Feb 2019 23:48:59 GMT
Merry Christmas  

For 2019


I Hope We


Sail Into A New Year of Peace and


Merry Christmas

Seasons Greetings

....And fewer tweets!

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 24 Dec 2018 20:38:24 GMT
Metro & Tube Street photography always seems a little intrusive. People are minding their business and going on their way, not expecting some stranger to take their photo. 


There are always interesting looking people around and asking them for permission to take a shot leads to some very selfconscious images. 


Since everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and is constantly fiddling with the thing, no one notices another one...


Here are some unselfconscious portraits taken on the Metro and the Tube in November.





Far, Far Away




Metro Violin




Fellow Travelers




Are We There Yet?




A Long Day's Journey




Thanks for looking as always...





[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 07 Dec 2018 23:58:23 GMT
A Few More from Death Valley A brewing storm followed us into the valley adding considerable drama to the light...



Happy photographer...


Click on an image to make it larger...







Marc, my traveling companion, pointed out these clouds...







On the way out of the Racetrack we ran into this view of the Panamint Valley. Good afternoon Mr. Bierstadt, we're a long way from the Hudson Valley now...







After a night in Lone Pine, an early morning run home led past this blue view of Owens Lake...







Remember, keep running...







I hope you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for taking the time to look.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 00:45:54 GMT
A day in the desert I just took a very short and unplanned trip to Death Valley (any excuse, actually).

A winter storm was lurking around the corner which gave us some good skys.




Early morning, first light...




You run into geology in the raw...




Leaving Titus Canyon...




Which leads to this view over the floor of the valley...




We headed up towards the Racetrack, a route that takes you past Teakettle Junction...




The first view of the Racetrack...




From the floor of the Playa...




Sunrise from the mouth of Titus Canyon...




One of the great things about travelling around in the desert, one meets some interesting characters...



As the bumper sticker says "Not a UFO"...Sure, O.K., I believe it...

'Till next time, I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for taking the time to look.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 01 Dec 2018 01:55:30 GMT
Best Camera... Everyone has been asked which is the best camera, and the really old and tired (but true) answer is the one you have with you.

Nowadays that is almost always a smartphone.

I almost never download my smartphone photography and look at it, but the other day i trawled through what I had on the thing and here are some of the results...







The great thing about the phone as a camera is that it allows absolute spontaneity ...







Hanging out in the kitchen...










For some reason the drying rack gets my attention, often...







Who let the dog in...







Finally, these things always look a little sad faced to me...






Keep smiling, see you next week.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 26 Nov 2018 00:32:59 GMT
Small Bird 3 I found an old piece of I-beam and liked the texture against the little bird's skull.

I also liked the hard edged graphic shape of the steel against the softer contour of the skull.

The apparent glow in the eyes of the bird is a result of the strong backlight shining through the cranium. 

It's been fun working with just one subject and seeing where it took me.

I hope you've enjoyed the experiment as much as I have.
















Clicking on a picture will make it larger.

To go back to the two earlier posts in the series look for the button at the bottom of this post.

Thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 22 Oct 2018 00:13:39 GMT
The Small Bird Continues The bird's skull continues to fascinate.

Here are a further series of images exploring this lovely little piece of detritus...






















All taken outdoors in direct sunlight.

I suspect I'm not done with this subject yet.

Thanks for taking the time to look.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 07 Oct 2018 22:38:35 GMT
The Small Bird This project started about the second week of June.

I live in a house with a lot of glass, several walls are pretty much all glass. This gives us great views and a wonderful sense of bringing in the outdoors, but it's a bit rough on the local bird population. They tend to crash into the windows. Sometimes they are knocked silly for a little while then pick themselves up and go about their business. Sometimes they die.

This one died.

I left him for the ants to clean up and by last week they had stripped him down to the bone.

The skull is beautiful.

These images are the start of a study. These were all taken in bright sunlight at a little after four in the afternoon. At this time of the year that gives the light a nice angle but leaves the contrast strong.

These are the first four images...





















The background object is a dried artichoke flower. Amazing texture.

Click on an image to enlarge and a larger screen etc...



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 02 Oct 2018 00:05:15 GMT
The Trip's End  

Prairie dog instant karma...Ohmmmmm...



All good things etc...We put 4,960 miles on the truck during the 17 days we were on the road.

Here are a few images to finish with...



A road across the prairie in Nebraska...





Another look at the Little Big Horn battlefield...







Garden Valley in the Great Basin portion of Nevada...







Leaving Utah the same morning, the Bonneville Salt Flats...







At the start of the trip, heading into Las Vegas, these things appeared in the desert close to the freeway...




A little like the Moai decided to visit from Easter Island, and got dressed up for the trip!




Finally, when you have to dance you have to dance...






Keep dancing!

Thanks for looking at the images.




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 28 Sep 2018 21:43:00 GMT
Back to Color A more down to earth look at the landscape this time, and in color. 

Fair warning, one of these shots appeared in a previous post in black and white. I have to admit, I prefer the color version.




One of the more amazing natural phenomena along the way is the Devil's Tower...







Not to mention what people get up to there...




Look for two stalwarts ...




These strange white flowers thrive on the lava flows...




Also the odd sunflower...







This is a view of the The Little Big Horn, also know as the Greasy Grass...







Again, the colors in the grass never stop changing...







A bit more sky to end with...




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 21 Sep 2018 19:08:08 GMT
Sky Time Travelling around the west you soon realize this country is big.

The skyscapes only reinforce the impression. 

And yes, Black & White rules...




Near Ely, Nevada...





This is Nebraska...







Some drama is the clouds...







It's been a long fire season. We were told this one had reached 7,000 acres...







Cloud on cloud...







Heading down into the Nevada part of the Great Basin...







It really pays to stay off the tarmac! 









[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 16 Sep 2018 23:17:39 GMT
Oh, The Rodeo Up in Idaho, in a small town called Burley we ran into the County Fair and Rodeo. 







This guy was helping his dad wash down a young bull, ready for the auction...







This gent's job was to keep track of the bids...







The rodeo was on it's last night when we got there, Patriot Night, and started with the National Anthem...







This is the bottled water man...







The contestants for Miss Cassia County Rodeo were strutting their stuff...







And, of course, roping...








...and bucking...







And some cattle with BIG horns...







Burley indeed.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 11 Sep 2018 22:25:34 GMT
Road Trip There hasn't been a post for a while, but my old friend Ceri called and suggested it was time for another road trip. We've traveled in the U.S. before, going as far east as Marfa and the Big Bend in Texas, and other South Western desert parts. We decided to head for the plains.

We headed North, up into Idaho, Montana, South Dakota and eventually Nebraska.

Big country...







Glacier National Park was on fire but we saw some of the eastern part of it...




Lots of smoke but eerie and beautiful...




And some high drama...




Further out on the plains the farms have been consolidating...

leaving some behind...




The grain trains keep on running though...

In this case on the horizon beyond a recently harvested wheat field...



Glad to be back on the blog and I hope you continue to enjoy...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 06 Sep 2018 00:24:56 GMT
A San Gabriel Wolf This view of the San Gabriel Valley, part of the Los Angeles sprawl, is a favorite of mine. 

The flight path to Los Angeles Airport travels across it from east to west (left to right in the photo). When the airspace over the entire United States was shut down on September 11th 2001 this sky went quiet.

I remember the feelings of relief and return to normalcy when the unending tracery of aircraft lights came back to the night sky.

Perhaps the American holiday of Memorial Day is a good time to let that thought percolate...







Thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 27 May 2018 23:25:44 GMT
Return to the Edge A small dam separates Upper and Lower Otay Lakes in San Diego County. 

I noticed the dam whilst driving by and stopped. It looked like I had found a new subject for an old (and, I suspect, never ending) project, The Edge.

The Edge deals with the things one finds between the end of the city and the beginning of whatever comes beyond.

I walked up to the top of the dam and then worked my way down to the lake. As I moved down the hill, I thought I'd found a story ...



Despite the City of San Diego's dire warning, graffiti covered every inch of the dam, someone must have clung like a bat to the higher reaches to get paint on the surface...




There's a pond between the dam and the lower lake...







Off to the side of the pond I found this memento mori. 

What happened here? Did it have to do with the dam, with the graffiti?




The fresh flowers spoke to a recent visit.


Further down the hill there is a passageway under the road...Was this, too, a part of the memorial?

San Diego is still discouraging visitors...






Passing through leads to Lower Otay Lake. Picturesque in it's own way...







Mysterious place, the Edge...


As always, thanks for looking. Here are links to earlier posts from the same project...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 18 May 2018 23:24:31 GMT
The Nest This is a series of photos I took a year ago.

I walked out the back door one morning and found a birds nest on the pathway.

We have a lot of a small birds called Black Phoebes in the neighborhood and this may well have belonged to a nesting pair. 

I don't know the story. Had the chicks survived and flown on, or had the nest come down early with less happy results? 

In any case, I found the thing fascinating and it led to the following series of images...















With a tip of the hat to Irving Penn.


I hope you find them as compelling as I do.








[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 12 May 2018 22:14:05 GMT
Shameless Self Promotion I've been fortunate to have two images chosen for a juried art exhibition.

The exhibition is being put on by a local charity called Art Matters. Some of the proceeds go to the Art Center College of Design, from whence I graduated with a BA in photography many moons ago. 

The show will only be up for a few days. It's being shown at the Huntington Library in San Marino on Saturday and Sunday, May 5th and 6th and will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry to the Huntington Gardens is $29.00 per adult on the weekend and gains you admission to the show. 

The Huntington Gardens and Library are to be found at : 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108. If you're driving the gates to the Huntington face the end of Allen Avenue just south of California Blvd.

For those of you who can't make it to the show here are the images...



This was taken in the Palouse, eastern Washington State in 2013...




1/ 640s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:19 15:07:24





I found this one in Ninh Binh province, North Vietnam, this spring...







As always, thanks for looking. With any luck we'll sell 'em both!


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 04 May 2018 21:31:22 GMT
Back Home A few weeks ago I took off for a couple of days camping in the desert. I spent the first night with a friend and a buddy of his at an old mine site looking east, down into the Panamint Valley.

If you fit Death Valley into your mental map, Panamint is one valley to the west. A lot of old dirt roads and they mostly lead to old mines.

Not to mention great views...







This area of eastern California is popular with Navel aviators who spend quite a lot of time practicing low over the desert... 




This photo was taken with a 24mm lens (for non-photographers, that's a pretty wide angel lens). The guy definitely ruffled my hair.




The next morning I worked my way north to the Saline Valley. Sand dunes...







True to it's name, the Saline valley was once a big producer of table salt. This is what's left of the works...







Here is a look back at the Panamint Valley from 6,100 feet...







The lake in the Saline Valley was still as can be in the early evening...







This region is inhabited by a local variant of the Agave, called a Joshua Tree. They grow in some dramatic places...







Here is a view overlooking the Saline Valley, east over the successive hills that lead to Death Valley. Imagine crossing Death Valley, with relief, only to find yourself and your wagons here...







Once again, this photographer falls prey to a "Road goes on forever..." shot. Just can't help it...







Sometimes one image grabs your imagination. Then you turn 180 degrees and something else leaps out at you.

Talk about a "Heart of Stone"...

Very old lava...







Good night Joshua.







It feels very good to be back into the world of Black & White photography.

Thanks for having a look, I hope you enjoyed the images.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 18 Apr 2018 23:56:31 GMT
At last Angkor Wat.


We approached the main temple complex walking past the great moat, serene in the early light...








This leads to  an allée which opens to the main temple building.

It gives a sense of one's significance in the scheme of things...







The sun breaks the horizon...







The window bars are repeated everywhere, complex, beautiful and the least significant all the stone carving...









Some of the more intricate carving shows the creation of the world. If I understood part of the story, the dancing girls at the top of the image were there to distract the crew pulling the snake. Gods can be a little tricky...








The Gods were in charge of the project, it helps if the overseer is a little terrifying...









The scale is sometimes deceptive, look at the tourist on the steps of the small temple to get a sense of it...









Sometimes that works the other way, this statue of Shiva is immense...








The temple complex...








Buddha through the window...








Time has laid a hand on things...








I lack words to describe Angkor Wat, I hope the photos give you some sense of it.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 12 Apr 2018 17:48:20 GMT
Cambodia Coming into Cambodia felt like moving into a quieter past. 

Cambodian's said they felt they were, perhaps, ten years behind Vietnam in economic development.

Early morning on the Mekong, before the Cambodian boarder, Vietnamese sand dredges are starting the days work...







Walking down a country lane in Cambodia, near Angkor Wat, we saw these two little girls riding their bikes. 

It reminded me of a shot by Eugene Smith, A Walk into Paradise apologies to Mr. Smith...







A monks robe over the back of a chair caught the window light...






We visited a rural school. It received some help from the Aqua Mekong, the boat we were travelling on. The children were captivating...






...and this guy, serious and very self contained...






This woman ran a paper making business (full disclosure, in Vietnam, not Cambodia, but I like the image and it fit in here)...






Back in rural Cambodia, we met this elderly nun...






A woman selling in a market...






And a mum on a boat, this near Tonle Sap lake...






This young monk was working to repair the bridge that led to his monastery...







A lot of parents send their boys off to join the monks at around 10 or eleven years old. There is no lifetime commitment  and a good, free, education is available to them...







The light and this young monk's expression caught me...






And to leave for now, an older monk on the streets of Saigon...






Note the flag over his left shoulder.


Thanks for looking, as always.





[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 29 Mar 2018 22:19:55 GMT
Mixed Bag There doesn't seem to be a particular theme to this post, some scenery, some people and a few motor scooter things...

You be the judge...



Rice getting started...




A very blue stoop...




A saffron wall, mopeds included...





Another moped thing...These guys are at the market...





Some people along the way...



If this guy doesn't remind you of Uncle Ho...



The piece of wood in the foreground is the bar that carries her panniers of goods to sell...



A bit of lipstick and her jade earrings on...ready to go...



Why do I think this guys seen it all...




Need your shoe fixed?





Tea break... 






And the deliveries must go on...






[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 22 Mar 2018 23:38:32 GMT
food Food, from a feast in a village home to street food and a lot of "hole-in-the-wall" restaurants, was everywhere and delicious...





This is Bun Bo Hue, a dish from Hue, done Danang style.

The prep...










These are a kind of pancake/crepe filled with all kinds of goodies and eaten wrapped in rice paper and lettuce leaves...







Not to mention the amazing sandwiches, known as Bhan Mi. You can thank the French colonial heritage for the amazing bread...






A Danang restauranteur called Summer Le showed us around Danang's finest...




Lot's of street food too...



Breakfast on the go...





Or hustling up something else...





In a small village we went to market with the family...







Which produced this amazing spread, heavy with Tet delicacies as the New Year was just a few days away...






Everything comes with tea...






That's all for now.

Thanks for looking. 


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 16 Mar 2018 23:00:40 GMT
Ninh Binh Just a reminder, if your screen is big enough, click on a photo to make it bigger.


A little south of Hanoi lies Ninh Binh Province, home of the worlds finest cabbages ...







And some ethereal views. They rain may have to do with both.







I tend to landscape photography when given the choice, but on this trip the people we met kept pulling me away from the scenery. 


I mentioned we'd run into hats again, here they are...Sharp needle...







Big hat...







This hat making is a family business. Here is the owner...







...and grandfather, retired from the military and proud...







In a different village we met the retired Headman...He told us some of the history of the village, and what he'd done to keep the kids in school and the local economy intact, though like many small towns, the kids were leaving, looking for the big city opportunities ...







Our guide, Nguyen Linh,  was a good and invaluable traveling companion...







We started today in the garden and might as well end there...







As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 07 Mar 2018 01:10:54 GMT
Indochine A trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. 

I had no idea what to expect.









The mysterious "East"...Indochina...







Or something more up to date...







Of course there is always something familiar...













Even Uber takes a break...







This guy has seen other days...







So much for first impressions.


Thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 28 Feb 2018 01:37:09 GMT
More Grass Someone predicted more grass shots would follow from the last posting. Fair enough, hard to resist.

This time the early rising sun backlit the grass on the eastern facing bit of the garden. The color helped by the smoke from the wildfires burning around Southern California this week. 

The hillside across the canyon from our garden still hadn't caught the morning sun, giving these images a nice dramatic backdrop.







This is the same species as last weeks' shot, but outside in the morning light...and in color...








Thanks for looking.


Mariël, peace and love.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 07 Dec 2017 23:04:06 GMT
Grass A stem of grass in a pot, on the mantle, with evening light coming through the window.

It caught my attention.

Here are a couple of photos...






And another angle...




Feels right for the season.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 29 Nov 2017 00:24:55 GMT
Catch of the day Just one image.

After a very red sunrise and what promised to be a grey day, the clouds cleared out. I caught these two before they made their exit. 

Feels a bit underwater to me...

Thanks for looking.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 17 Nov 2017 23:30:26 GMT
Gone to the Dogs This is a first for me. I've never taken a picture of a dog before.

But along came Marisol, who has seen my blog, and asked me to take some pictures of her dog.

Who am I to say no to the lady.

Here are the results...













Cute dog. It was fun.


As always, click on a picture to make it bigger and thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 28 Oct 2017 23:09:16 GMT
Hi Early morning sunlight coming through the kitchen window tripped over my reading glasses lying on the counter...



I couldn't resist. 

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:44:21 GMT
Valley of the Gods Most of the images in this post were made in the Valley of the Gods. This is a small area north of Monument Valley located in the south western corner of the Bears Ears National Monument.


I called this formation Equus...







And this reminded me of the Buddha (wearing a pillbox hat) staring at a cat...







A tenacious tree...







Another rock tower...







And finally, found just outside the monument and on the Navaho Nation...A Moai (think Easter Island statues)...







That's it for this quick trip along the Utah/Arizona border regions. Let's hope the narcissist in chief doesn't decide to toss this amazing part of the Western U.S. on the scrap heap.


As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 12 Jun 2017 18:59:31 GMT
More Desert Landscapes After all the drama of sunset, the desert sunrise can be very peaceful...







This is a view of the Navaho Generating Station looking south from the Grand Staircase Escalante ...







This huge rock reminds me of an Olmec sculpture...







Monument Valley used to be my favorite part of the four corners country. Over the years access has become much more limited and it feels a little like Disneyland...




So I tend to skip it...







Some how this one needs John Wayne riding his horse in the middle distance...







I call this shot "Return to the Mothership"...




I hope you enjoyed, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 02 Jun 2017 17:47:41 GMT
Black and White Present My mental image of the Utah / Arizona boarder area is all red rock and sandy desert. But reality doesn't always comply...

It's still "Big Sky" country but it's also empty and life looks unforgiving.

It takes gumption to live up there...






Against all odds...







Small farm, big storm...







And again...






The scale is still very different here and helps develop a perspective...


As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 01 Jun 2017 13:27:33 GMT
National Monuments (before they disappear) I've been planning a trip to the Southern Utah and Northern Arizona border areas for a while.

Two of the National Monuments our current leader wants to "review" are in this part of the country and I wanted to see them before they turn into uranium mines.

These are the Grand Staircase Escalante  (President Clinton) and the Bears Ears (Obama).

Worth the trip...

Big sky country (apologies to Montana, which, despite its claim to a big sky monopoly, can't really own such). It's the West, you get a lot of sky all over the place out here...






Sometimes dark, sometimes not...





This one felt a little Modigliani...




Dinosaur bones said Rebecca, well, maybe...





Navaho Mountain, seen from the north shore of Lake Powell, early evening...


Thanks for looking, click on a picture to make it bigger...


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 23 May 2017 22:30:26 GMT
Morning Veggies I took these a few weeks ago and have been waiting for the same light to show up again ever since. No luck...


If we get a cloud free morning, the early sun comes into our kitchen window through a white blind. I find it very pretty, almost self filling, with just a taste of contrast...No nose to speak of...(sorry, couldn't help it!).


Anyway I grabbed what was to hand and made a couple of pictures that made the best use I could of that light...


I hope you enjoy them.







Those of you who have followed the blog for a while will remember my occasional dive into still we go again. I think this one balanced out rather well, and of course, the light...








Thanks for looking.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:48:05 GMT
Light This is the beginning of something...and since the images seem a little abstract, I'm not sure what...


I've called this blog "Reflected Light" because without it (light, reflecting off things) we would see nothing. Of course one could argue that if there was no light we would "see" differently, blind fish in caverns etc...However, there is light, we do see and we see because that light reflects off everything. Enough of circular logic...


Like other photographers from the beginning of the medium (think of Man Ray, Bernice Abbott, Nicholas Alan Cope nauseam) I am fascinated, perhaps bewitched, by light and how we see it less abstractly than when we just look at it reflecting off stuff.


Anyway, I've started to indulge the obsession and take some pictures.


Here are three:









That last one slightly less abstract, until you recognize that the whole thing is a reflection and upside down to much for mystery.


A click will enlarge the image , thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 04 Apr 2017 23:53:01 GMT
Spring Flowers Southern California Spring is fleeting at best.

Here are the first flowers and leaves on a Red Bud (Cercis Canadensis for the horticulturalists among you).



Flowers first...




Then leaves...










And a few more leaves...







That's it for now.

Thanks for looking...clicking on an image makes it bigger...and a big screen doesn't hurt photos of small flowers...


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 19 Mar 2017 00:19:21 GMT
Stormy Weather Even people who don't live in California might have noticed that we're having a nice, wet, rainy season this year. One result of this is the spectacular rainbow we had the other day. You know what happened next, the camera came out...







I didn't have a wide enough lens to catch the whole thing but the wonderful light gave some good looking backlight at ground level...







That light gave me a Turner sky (take a look at his painting of Salisbury Cathedral sometime, the sky and rainbow leading to the right hand side of the painting)...







To finish on a more peaceful note ... A full moon the month before...








That's it for the weather pics for now.

I hope you enjoyed them, click on an image to make it larger, and thanks for taking a look.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 28 Feb 2017 03:24:51 GMT
Strelitzia Some weeks ago one of the Bird of Paradise plants in the garden started to bloom.

Nothing very new here, except I bothered to take a look and was fascinated by what developed.

Grab the camera, hang an old hank of black velvet behind the thing and start taking pictures...




The shadow hints at what's to come...
































And, because I always go a little too far, this last one, as the rain started again...








Though the raindrop on the stamen was worth it...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 01:51:59 GMT
Corvid City During the brief but spectacular (sorry NPR) trip to Yosemite I met a crow (actually I'm not sure which member of the Corvid family this bird belonged to) that was absolutely unafraid of the photographer and, in fact seemed to strike poses until I gave up taking pictures. I half expected to be given a business card with an e-mail address for the model release and payment.

This is one bright creature with personality to spare.

Also, for a change, we're talking color photos.


This pose brought to mind Winston Spencer Churchill...






Clearly a student of the movies...Are you ready for your close up?






Staying with the movie theme...You lookin' at me?






Hail fellow well met...



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 12 Feb 2017 00:20:40 GMT
Yosemite If you live in Southern California and need a little snow to make winter real, you need to travel Northwards.

I've lived here for 43 years, no excuses left, it was time to go and see Yosemite.

The first look you get at the park (at least, in Winter) is also the best known image. Everyone takes this photo, I couldn't help it either:







El Capitain to your left, Bridal Veil falls center right and Half Dome dead center in the distance...It's the establishing shot!


The temperature brought on something known as Frazil Ice:








A pond and a barren coppice of Aspen...







El Capitain from the valley floor. This is one large hunk of rock...







And a look at the Bridal Veil from a closer perspective...






Nothing can get you ready for this place. Teddy Roosevelt made it the first national park. He was right.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 07 Feb 2017 01:42:22 GMT
Rumination Some viewers of the blog will, by now, have caught on to my predilection for Black & White images...

...sometimes being a stubborn S.O.B. gets me stuck in places I don't want to be...


Early last year I found myself staying with friends up in the Sierra and this led to dawn photography at a place called Convict Lake. I had had a mental image the photo I wanted for for ever. Granted the picture I wanted was a total photographic cliche, right along with "The Road Goes on Forever", but sometimes there is satisfaction to be had from pulling off a well executed cliche.


Naturally the image I had imagined was Black & White!


I fought that B & W picture for weeks in post production (that's fancy language for trying to get a print I was happy with) and failed.


Nearly a year later I went back at it and, bowing to the facts (never easy) tried a couple of versions in color...I'll let you be the judges...




1/ 20s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:13 08:06:17


Here is the Black and White version, lot's of detail, there is real white and a full-on black to to be had, nicely enough composed, and the photographer gets extra points for getting up at oh-dark-thirty and freezing his proverbial off in the pursuit of his passion.


But BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




1/ 20s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:13 08:06:17


Color version #1. Slightly less detail in the water foreground, same composition, same frozen photographer's whatsit, but that first early light (in color) gives the thing a bit more interest...


Still, pretty boring...






1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:13 09:16:05



About twenty minutes later, the sun is further up and the sky has become a big blue dome, filling the shadows with that color.


Fair enough, this is the way cameras see things, not the way humans do. To most people's eye the blue shadows are too much and don't look "real".  Our minds filter out the excess blue in real life and we don't expect it in an image.


For me though this is a really satisfying picture at last.

The big graphic elements (two arrows coming towards the center) are emphasized by the color (contrasting warm on the right, cold on the left). The size of the sunlit piece of mountain and it's reflection are balanced and the dark blue foreground helps lead a viewer into the image, instead of tripping him (ok: her/him/it; you know what I meant!) up in the rocks under the water...


Probably the wordiest blog post I've ever put out, so thanks for your patience.


Last, but not least, Happy New Year from a delightfully rainy Pasadena.






[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:47:03 GMT
Christmas To All a Merry Christmas and

Best Wishes for a Splendid New Year




Let there be lots of love to share and here's

hoping the New Year brings everyone the things they wished for.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 21 Dec 2016 01:08:04 GMT

Just a reminder...The most spectacular photo show of the year opens on December 10th at 6pm (wine and cheese included!).



Etosha Pan


Be there or be square:

Walt Girdner Gallery

27 S. El Molino Ave.

Pasadena, CA 91101


The images will remain up in the gallery through December 31st, so if you can't make the opening (wine and cheese included!)you can still see the amazing images.


Best, Ding



PS: From the Shameless Commerce department...These images make excellent Christmas gifts for your most artistically discerning friends!

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 07 Dec 2016 18:29:03 GMT
Show Time Ding's Gallery Opening



Should you wonder why I haven't posted anything new lately, I've been getting ready for a solo show at the  Walt Girdner Photo Gallery in Pasadena.

The opening is December 10th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.


Walt Girdner Gallery

27 S. El Molino Avenue

Pasadena, CA 91101

Phone: (626)817-9083

There are 25 color images, all taken in the Namibian desert. 

I very much hope to see you at the gallery. If you can't make it to the opening, the show runs through December 30th.

Regards, Ding


PS: There is underground parking in the building across the street from the gallery, more parking behind the theater next door and some on-street parking on both El Molino and Green streets (the closest cross street).




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 16 Nov 2016 00:23:05 GMT
Autumn It is said that Southern California has no seasons.

On the surface this is true, except the rainy season and we we haven't seen much of that lately. No fall color, the temperature doesn't change much, but, wait for it, the light changes.

I've just started to see that Autumn light sneak into the garden.

Some photos...


























And fireworks to finish...




Not a lot to say, just light in the garden.

I hope you enjoyed and thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 10 Oct 2016 00:31:19 GMT
Joshua's End This last group of images from the desert trip all come from Joshua Tree.


No surprise, the park's all about rocks and Joshua Trees (basically a big yucca).



It's a national park, so you get road signs etc...




Rocks and Joshua Trees...







This one feels vaguely African...






The trees take on some fairly strange shapes...









And rocks...







And another pile of rocks...







Kind of a double thumbs up, so on that cheerful note, thanks for looking and a click on the image will make it bigger.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 13 Sep 2016 23:16:20 GMT
Date Time More images from the desert trip of a few weeks ago. These come from the north end of the Salton Sea/south end of the Coachella Valley and a huge agricultural area.


They grow a lot of dates up there and I've always been a complete sucker for Palm Trees...

An older grove...







The barren hills in the background let you know where you are...




I liked the graphics of the greenhouses in the foreground...




Click on an image to make it larger.

Thanks for looking...






[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 09 Sep 2016 16:20:12 GMT
Back to the Edge Given interesting trips and other distractions, the Edge series has languished.

To re-start it, I took a little ride over three days last week, down to Borego Springs, back up the west side of the Salton Sea and out through Joshua Tree. The plan was to truck camp but it turned out a little warm for that so it was low rent motels and early starts.

The heat influenced things! It was 119 degrees Fahrenheit  at Coachella as I drove by on Tuesday at about 11:00 am!

A series of images...not originally conceived as a story-line for the trip, but coming out that way anyway...



Anyone who has gone photo hunting in the  desert knows the feeling here. It's the coolest moment of the day. No one else is around. You step out of the motel door and the light is just a promise...






The light and the frame on this feels a little John Ford, but here there be dragons...







Annoyed by what the ubiquitous black plastic bag has done to the world we live in, perhaps my view of one of the old marinas at Salton City was a bit jaded, but I don't think so...








And did I mention it was HOT...








Back up in Joshua Tree the rocks look on...







Click on the image to make it bigger, look at it on the biggest screen you can manage...Thanks for sticking around long enough to check out the photos.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 27 Aug 2016 21:58:49 GMT
Thank you Mr. Weston I found a fine red bell pepper at the farmers market the other day. The one's they sell in the grocery stores are all graded by shape, so, in a word, BORING!

My original idea had been to shoot it in Black and White, no surprise there... Until I looked at it through the camera and fell in love with the color...






Playing around with the light took me here, high drama...





And finally this shot, which is my favorite...






For the ultimate bell pepper reference shot, check out Edward Weston, Bell Pepper number 30, shot in 1930! He stuck with the B & W.


Thanks for looking, Ding


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 06 Jul 2016 19:49:38 GMT
Last for now This is the last set of images from the trip to Portugal, for now at least, there are more trips to come I hope...

1/ 200s, at f/3.2 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:05:02 22:21:49

That was an early sunrise / moonset...




I called this next image "The Great Divide"...




1/ 50s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:05:05 09:26:57



These things are referred to as Menhires, and if you were ever a fan of Asterix, his pal Obelix always had a couple tucked under his arm (If you don't know who these guys are, look them up, the best...).




1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:05:06 04:05:59

Originally placed somewhere between 4,000 and 2,800 B.C. these things weigh up to 27 tons each and stand up to  3 meters (almost 10 feet) high. he site is pretty unassuming  and other tourists wander around but I had a strong emotional response to the stones. The supposition is that the setup had astrological meaning and reveals a variety of solstices (Charts etc available on Wikipedia, look up Menhire and Evora).





1/ 50s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:05:03 04:23:49  First absorb the golden glow of the ceiling, then let your eyes wander down to the corners...




This was late May in the Alentejo your heart out California poppies...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:05:07 02:29:29


As always, click on an image to make it larger and if you have nothing better to do, click on the links at the bottom of the post to see earlier versions.


Thanks again for looking, who knows what's next...

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:44:58 GMT
The Duro North of Lisbon and due east from Porto runs the Duro valley.

Steep and deep would describe the place. So would terraced to within an inch... No spot goes un-vined  (or un-olived).

It all counts...




1/ 200s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:28 03:36:49




Although the occasionally non-fruiting plant gets by. For drama I guess...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:29 03:28:15




Pretty light cuts across olives and some old terraces...




1/ 125s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:28 01:52:49




The walls are made from the local Schist stone, and it's not very forgiving...




1/ 30s, at f/13 || E.Comp:1 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:27 03:48:31




In the summer the temperature can get close to 100 F. And, did  I mention steep...




1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:29 04:00:41




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:30 02:06:13




Some views across the river offer visual relief...



1/ 4000s, at f/3.2 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:30 02:08:49





And stuff grows almost everywhere...




1/ 80s, at f/18 || E.Comp:0 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:27 04:20:18




Thanks for looking, some of the wines were exceptional too...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 06 Jun 2016 18:10:02 GMT
Portugal II A little nourishment...


1/ 250s, at f/3.2 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 05:10:44




Lisbon was an urban pile of delight...




1/ 1250s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 112mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 09:44:11




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 98mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 09:50:26








1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 11:38:41







1/ 1000s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 09:11:14







1/ 4000s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 102mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 04:57:37




1/ 1250s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 09:38:51







1/ 2000s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 185mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 09:41:15







1/ 160s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 116mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 08:59:42



And an old relic at the tile museum, some things etc...




1/ 50s, at f/4.5 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 04:33:09



A window in the arts district...




1/ 640s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 05:58:37





And a bite to finish for today...






1/ 500s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 06:12:42

We saw a lot of great graphic work in Portugal! How better to wrap a can of tuna?



I hope you enjoyed the images.


Thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 02 Jun 2016 01:14:04 GMT
Portugal Now for something completely different...




1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:05:06 23:02:38

I found a quality of light in Portugal that was somewhere between Southern California (the sun sets over the sea, as it does in LA) and the light in Southern England, perhaps because we had a little rain, which softens things...



Early tram in Lisbon...

1/ 100s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 23:46:52




And the guy in the background...




1/ 1000s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 04:23:11




The big lift in Lisbon has a lovely taste of the real Steampunk...




1/ 60s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 23:30:28




But, look down, and the cobbles are a wonder...




1/ 60s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 23:25:47



1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 06:24:30




1/ 30s, at f/8 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 23:23:48




1/ 160s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 00:18:37




The boulevardier lives...




1/ 15s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:22 03:31:13




And a detail from the tile museum...




1/ 60s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:04:23 04:20:03




Thanks for looking, as always, it all look better on a bigger screen, click on the image to get it on it's own...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 29 May 2016 22:36:02 GMT
Black & White What happened to the Black & White?

O.K., here are three shots, one seen before in color, but I like the B & W better...




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 09:06:20




Another "Big Rock"...




1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:17 09:21:32





And, finally another tip of the hat to Paul Strand...




1/ 1000s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:16 06:59:49




I hope you enjoy...bigger is better...


Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 19 May 2016 22:44:21 GMT
Atacama The Atacama Desert, highest, driest, all kinds of extremes.

Salt, sand and sky...




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:16 14:34:41



That's some of the salt, here's some sand...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:16 14:32:36




Sometimes things just line up...





1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:16 12:12:04




Then there's the Salar de Atacama, a huge salt deposit that resulted from deglaciation some 12,000 years ago...



1/ 640s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:17 14:31:33




Another angle...




1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:17 15:13:26





Did I mention Volcanoes?




1/ 500s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 220mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:17 11:29:33




And at about 14,000 feet, a lake...




1/ 1600s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:17 12:01:56

The clarity at that altitude is breathtaking.



Further down the mountains, a hill and some clouds juxtapose...




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:20 09:44:26




Wild beasts too...




1/ 400s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:17 11:28:43




Thanks for looking!

Click on an image to make it bigger know the drill...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 18 May 2016 23:27:42 GMT
A longer post I'm going to try your patience with a loner than normal post today...

Around the turn of the last century a lot of different countries set up mining outposts around Chile. This is whats left of a large administrative area in the desert between Chanaral and Antofagasta. Desolate then and now...




1/ 320s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 08:56:15




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 09:13:59




A more recent abandoned memory...




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 09:31:01




And of course, lots of people were born, lived and died there...




1/ 5000s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:14 11:29:44




Which leads me to the next subject.

If you've driven the roads of the Western U.S. and now further afield, you've become used to the sight of small shrines set up in the memory of victims of the road.


This is popular in Chile too, only there it has become a very much bigger thing.


To begin with, I was reluctant to photograph these. A sense of intruding on someone else's unhappiness, or perhaps not wanting to exploit that, I'm not sure. In Chile though, these shrines are very characteristic of the country and each one is extremely individualistic and worth a close look...




1/ 500s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 08:43:35

They often tell the story ... see above...




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 09:55:09




Some are very simple, and more poignant for it...




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:20 06:47:44




Or very elaborate ...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 12:59:14




They often include somewhere to sit and spend a little time...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 09:45:02




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 11:22:57





1/ 1000s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 13:50:25





1/ 400s, at f/11 || E.Comp:4/6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:15 13:51:09





A tree for shade where none can grow...




1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:19 12:50:36





To end, a cry often heard in the desert...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:20 09:25:11




I certainly don't mean this post as a downer, but the images certainly made me think as I took them...



I'll be gone for a while, so the posts resume when I get back.


As always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 20 Apr 2016 00:41:07 GMT
Boatbuilder Down south, at the top of Patagonia, in a little town called Hornopiren, we found someone building boats the old fashioned way...

1/ 400s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 13:51:26




1/ 250s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 13:50:41




1/ 250s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 13:57:42




1/ 3200s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 13:57:20




1/ 640s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 13:54:15




1/ 160s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 13:59:52




1/ 640s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 12:45:20



Some of the tools are powered now, but the technique probably hasn't changed much.

Click on an image to make it larger.

Thanks for looking...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:37:24 GMT
Northing Most of these images were shot on our way North towards the Atacama desert...

This first was taken in the town of Antofagasta. I loved the way the light fell on the building and the boy...




1/ 80s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:14 15:29:34




Before we got that far we spent a day (long day) driving up to and through the Parque Nacional Nevada de Tres Cruces. This is a tiny park well off the beaten track (in fact nobody we asked about it, and we asked a lot of people, had ever heard of it). But this suited our criteria, which basically has to do with finding the empty bits on a map and then going there.




1/ 160s, at f/20 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 09:59:53





Further on up the road...





1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 09:06:20




...and further still...





1/ 400s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 11:40:46





Finally at somewhere north of 14,000 we came to this lake...




1/ 2500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-22 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 12:17:46




Amazing colors.

Further north yet...




1/ 6400s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 85mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 13:17:26

The lovely purity of a desert landscape...




Add clouds...




1/ 6400s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 14:07:38




Coming back down the mountain was perhaps, a bit more terrifying...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 15:03:36

The road was very well engineered, but the angle of repose, not so restful...




Good sunsets at that altitude though...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:13 14:27:16




A word about the blue skies, at that altitude there is relatively less atmosphere, so the skies go almost to black...

Once again, thanks for taking a look.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:35 GMT
Valparaiso A last look over the stern of the umpteenth ferry as we head back north...




1/ 5000s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-24 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:08 08:27:04




We skipped Santiago and stopped at Valparaiso.

If you ever need a blast of "Urban" and Chaotic" and "Colorful" this is your town...




1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 14:13:21




Did I say something about "Colorful"?...




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-22 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 14:21:29




Valparaiso is built on...(if you want to call it that, I prefer: clings precariously to...) a series of hills. They came up with a a good solution to getting up and down them, albeit in the 1890's, still running though...




1/ 50s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 13:48:15




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 13:48:56




View from the inside...




1/ 6s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 13:52:44




A view from our hotel...




1/ 40s, at f/4 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 16:35:59




The reception area...




1/ 60s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 13:13:57




A view from the room...




1/ 40s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 16:38:22




I did I say Colorful?...


Good night Vincent...




1/ 250s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 195mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:11 18:41:24




Thanks for joining me on the trip. Next we move into the dessert...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 12 Apr 2016 00:30:42 GMT
Chile, the start of a road trip I met Ceri Hammond at the airport in Santiago where we collected a four wheel drive pickup truck and set out on a road trip through Chile.




1/ 400s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-28 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:07 11:51:10





First south towards Patagonia.




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:05 08:30:32

I liked the name of the larger for a living has to be tough...




Moving south along the Carretera Austral there are a lot of fjords, and a lot of ferry rides...

1/ 250s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:06 06:41:46





The boats are well equipped...




1/ 125s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:06 06:43:00





Landfall in Patagonia...




1/ 200s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:06 09:54:59





Our furthest reach to the south got us to Chaiten...A small town who's local volcan had last erupted in 2008...The consequences are still much in evidence...




1/ 640s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:06 10:54:19




We climbed part way up the volcano for a view of the forest...




1/ 400s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:07 08:07:38





The local black sand beaches were lovely too...




1/ 160s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:03:07 06:51:33


More to follow...




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 06 Apr 2016 00:35:19 GMT
More clouds This thing called the El Nino has been pestering world weather for a good bit of the year. In California it's supposed to bring a very wet winter, which it has, north of Los Angels...a good thing after four plus years of drought.

The big storms that the Nino brings us lend us some pretty interesting sunrise and sunset views.

"Red sky in the warning..."

I think this image says all of that!




1/ 100s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:01:29 07:52:28


Two nights later we had this sunset..."Red sky at delight"...

Ditto, this photo seems to be a big breath of relief...




1/ 200s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:01:31 18:27:00




As always, I hope you enjoy and a bigger screen shows a better picture!


Thanks, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 18 Feb 2016 22:59:00 GMT
Boston We spent a few days in Boston last week. Not a photo trip but one photo seemed worth sharing...




1/ 100s, at f/18 || E.Comp:2/6 || 62mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2016:01:14 12:37:18


Thanks for looking...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 17 Jan 2016 00:02:01 GMT
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas

and a

Wonderful 2016




1/ 80s, at f/4.5 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 135mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:16:52



I hope everyone has a brilliantly happy and successful 2016






And thanks for following the blog,  Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:55:44 GMT
Morning light I haven't done much in color lately. Color scares me a bit, color photos all too often end up looking like pretty postcards, and while I have nothing at all against pretty postcards (should that be referred to as a "Trigger Warning..."?)I generally find the images it's black and white for me.


Occasionally, though, the color has to take command.


Sunrise this morning was one such...


Only two images, I hope they do for you what the sky did for me.


The Phoenix...


1/ 160s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:12:07 07:46:50




Red Sky in the Morning...




1/ 125s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 230mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:12:07 07:44:35




As always, thanks for looking, bigger is better and clicking on the image makes it bigger...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:36:00 GMT
More Edge The Edge project continues...I set out to shoot Mojave Airport, where a number of out of service aircraft are mothballed, but couldn't find anything that grabbed me.

Over the hill to Bakersfield. Not much going there either.

My fallback was to take a look at the Carrizo Plain. This is a (small) national park, under the purview of the Bureau of Land Management, a little to the west of Bakersfield. You could have found yourself a thousand miles away...

Outside of Bakersfield lies one of the older oil patches in California. These things are called nodding donkeys but remind me of the beasts that gave their all so we could have gasoline...




1/ 800s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 90mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 14:38:10





The road over the hill to the Carrizo was pretty hard for this photographer to ignore (anyone familiar with the blog has had to put up with my obsession with road shots before!)...





1/ 1600s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 08:22:44





The morning light was fine...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 09:07:17




And the morning mist was a harbinger of clouds that would build all day...




1/ 1000s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 08:34:40




Further into the plain I came across an old homestead, nothing much left but the tree...




1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 175mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 09:40:14




Same tree, same morning, just different light...




1/ 2500s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 09:51:53




The helpful folks at the B.L.M. were able to tell me that wheat and barley were farmed on the plain from the 1800's through 1980... You can still see the plow marks 35years later...




1/ 3200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-30 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 10:38:30





Where this remnant of a different time (pre-drought California?) washed up from is another question...




1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 13:00:32




Leaving the plain took me back through land still used for agriculture...




1/ 640s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 14:03:28


The crows are always with us somehow (look hard, you'll find 'em)...


Thanks again for looking, click on an image to make it bigger and a bigger screen is better...



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 17 Nov 2015 00:56:45 GMT
San Andreas 1/ 1250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:11:10 09:04:08 Just one image, the San Andreas fault. Photo taken on the Carrizo Plain.

We've all heard of it, but no one seems to have seen the actual fault!


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 11 Nov 2015 23:39:00 GMT
South Carolina We took a quick trip to Kiawah Island. This had more to do with seeing old friends we hadn't seen for too long and, I admit it, a little golf, than photography.

But the South Carolina shore and the woodlands and marshes behind it are irresistible. Here are some images...



At this time of year the beaches are full of light instead of people...




1/ 1600s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:10:29 13:51:00





The back side of the island is mostly marsh...




1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:10:30 14:05:45




The woods on the nearby mainland are pretty dense. This oak (The Angel Oak) is 300-400 years old...




1/ 25s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:10:31 07:21:43




Some almost abstract images caught my eye...




1/ 250s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:10:29 13:46:50




The retreating tide provides yet another photo cliche...




1/ 1250s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:10:29 14:01:10




As always, thanks for taking the time to look. Click on an image to make it larger, and a larger screen makes the whole thing better...


I hope to get back to the Edges project next week.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 06 Nov 2015 01:26:36 GMT
The Edge 3 Here are the rest of the images from my last trip to The Edge...


A slightly different take on the dinosaur thing...I would love to know who painted the original image, it's wonderful...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 155mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 08:54:21




I didn't really understand the point of this plantation (not date palms) but I liked the graphics...




1/ 13s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 90mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 15:35:06




This is the old fairgrounds in Palm Springs...




1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:09 10:07:39



This is an overlook to the Johnson Valley...




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:09 12:11:57




No idea what this structure, slowly disappearing into the desert, could have been...




1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 14:17:41



Once again a photographers cliche...The shot-up road the road to infinity...The light was too good to resist...




1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:09 13:36:01



As always, thanks for looking, click on an image to make it larger and a bigger screen is better.





[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 28 Sep 2015 00:56:37 GMT
Edges...continued Earlier this year I started a project dealing with The Edge of things, places, who knows where it will lead...

This is a continuation of that project:




This was the Salton Sea and the temperature was 108 Fahrenheit...

1/ 800s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:0 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 14:50:21





The edges of places out in the desert tend to be a bit more mysterious...




1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:09 09:54:55




And  occasionally, abrupt...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:09 10:26:01




A couple of images in a similar vein...




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 12:11:56








1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 12:10:30





Coming into Palm Springs takes you past an old roadside attraction, the dinosaurs, some of them may be on the move...




1/ 1600s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 08:24:34





And some might be taking over...




1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 165mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:09:08 08:52:38




A little diesel anyone?




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 24 Sep 2015 23:16:09 GMT
Moving South From the Shetlands we went down to Yorkshire (not very far South) and then on to the Cotswolds' (pretty far South).


I thought of leaving the next image to the end of the post, but on second thoughts I'll get it out of the way up front.

It's one of those shots photographers know better than to take, but like the "Road goes on forever..." shot, we mostly can't help ourselves...I give you the dead tree shot...




1/ 4000s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-28 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:18 08:50:23




O.K., now let's move on...




1/ 100s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:13 23:04:14



The early light caught these Poplars just right...




1/ 100s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:17 01:40:37




Rapeseed fields were in full bloom...




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:13 23:22:35





A slightly sunnier take on the subject...




1/ 3200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-22 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:16 08:07:23




The Yorkshire Moors offer a bit of bleak (what Shetland wasn't enough?) beauty too...




1/ 500s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:14 03:45:32




To end with, a bit of Aelbert Cuyp without the cows...




1/ 200s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:13 23:06:16




No cows because the field was recently full of sheep, note the bits of wool scattered around the foreground, but the light and the character of the landscape made me think of the 17th C. Dutch landscape painters.




Clicking on an image will make it larger, I hope you enjoy and thanks for taking the time to have a look.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 07 Jul 2015 21:45:36 GMT
Land and Sea The Shetlands are dangerous for a photographer. Too many photos...



Click on an image to enlarge it...A bigger screen than your cellphone will give you a better image...




We stayed in a glass house built over an old croft (thanks Sally & Dirk) with an amazing view...




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 23:27:53




4,000 years ago someone built a fine hall on a spot that couldn't be seen from the sea... In those days most of what that came by sea didn't bode well...  This is what's left of it...




1/ 1600s, at f/5 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 0 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:08 09:20:33




The constant change in the weather leads to a constant change in the light...




1/ 6400s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 23:04:15




Stone walls (some with a little extra wire) keep the sheep apart...




1/ 2000s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 23:07:47




A hill, a cloud, a photo...




1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 90mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 03:15:49




More drama with the light...




1/ 500s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:09 02:51:32




But sometimes the view isn't all about drama, sometimes its something a bit more restful...




1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 04:15:29




There aren't a lot of trees on the Shetlands, whoever was there before the Vikings used most of them for fuel, the sheep kept the rest under control...




1/ 25s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 185mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 02:20:25




A spot of sunshine does the Shetland thing for a bit of landscape...




1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 07:13:04




Another look out to sea...




1/ 1000s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 185mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 06:26:45




St. Ninians is a small island attached to the "Mainland" by a stretch of beach...




1/ 5000s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-26 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:12 08:52:47




To move away from the seascape theme for a moment, some things we found along the way...




1/ 800s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 04:11:19




Red in tooth and claw...




1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 04:40:43




A lot of mussel farms in the voes around the islands...the birds have figured this out...




1/ 320s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 23:38:44




And finally, another seascape...




1/ 6400s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:12 08:08:54




That was a lot of pictures, thanks for your patience, I hope you enjoyed them.





[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 11 Jun 2015 00:13:50 GMT
Shetland Words fail...let's look at some photos...




1/ 1000s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 04:19:31




The rocks in the distance are called The Drongs...





1/ 800s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 165mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 04:58:46



We took a boat ride...This island is called Foula, it has about 40 permanent residents...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 02:52:18


 Looking back from the boat...





1/ 1250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 190mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 02:47:01



A stream leads to a cliff...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:11 04:52:30



Old crofts are everywhere, this one gathered the moss...




1/ 50s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:07 11:22:52



A wing ...




1/ 800s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:10 04:11:19



As always, thanks for looking and bigger is better when it comes to screen choice.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 04 Jun 2015 00:57:36 GMT
United Kingdom Back from a trip to the U.K.


It started in Edinburgh and moved quickly to the Shetland Islands.








Edinburgh Morning with Seagulls1/ 160s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 135mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:05 22:07:22




Quite a transition...




Weisdale Voe, Shetland islands...




Weisdale Voe1/ 320s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 122mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:05:08 05:02:07




We just got back yesterday, so there will be more to follow.


Remember, clicking on the image makes it larger and everything looks better on a bigger screen.


If you are new to the blog and have time to waste, links at the bottom of the blog will lead you to earlier posts...


Thanks for looking, Ding



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 22 May 2015 00:36:14 GMT
The Edge We used to go out to Palm Springs a lot and hadn't been in ages. Palm Springs and the valley it sits in are at the outer edges of the Los Angeles conurbation. Whilst driving around looking at possible photo subjects I was caught up with where things began and ended. The end of town, the beginning of the desert, the last edges of where agriculture happens, where people chose to live at the edge of things, where things have been tried and not always succeeded.




So a photo project gets started. Not all the images (in fact, perhaps none) are "hang on the wall" pretty but I think they are all interesting and tell us something about the where and the when that we live in.




The Coachella valley produces a lot of fruit and vegetables from onions to salad and, as in this image grapes...Where the water ends so does the green stuff...

The End of Green1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 102mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:21 18:14:55





The water is fed into the valley via the Coachella canal...Here is one of its tributaries...




Water to Coachella1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:21 18:00:13





Some people end up living here this case at the edge...




Living at the Edge Living at the Edge1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 130mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:21 18:02:16





Remember back when Jimmy Carter told us the future of transportation (and a lot of other things) lay with jojoba oil? Like a lot of other Presidential ideas since, this one didn't work out so well...




Jojoba Plantation # 11/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:20 17:30:04





I guess these folks left town in a hurry...




Jojoba Teddy # 21/ 2500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-22 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:20 17:40:09




This shot was taken at Desert Center, not far from the defunct jojoba plantation...




Desert Center Cafe1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:20 18:13:40




Getting into town (or out) can be grueling...




Rest Stop on the Edge1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:22 10:00:52




And it's not always what you expected when you get there...




Shadow and a Door1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:22 10:23:11




This shot is my own tribute to Ed Ruscha and his Standard Oil images...




Service Parts # 21/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:03:25 16:36:25




Back to the edge of town and the now ubiquitous cell tower...




Phone Palm # 21/ 250s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:21 07:08:31




Out in the dessert some people make strange landscape choices...You can be who you want to be on the Edge...




Four Trees1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 95mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:04:22 11:50:32




I expect this is only the beginning of an ongoing project.



As always, thanks for looking, I hope you took something from it, and a bigger screen shows a better image.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:22:35 GMT
Dinosaur This morning I found this guy hanging out on our back deck.

I thought he was beautiful, not to mention a bit prelapsarian  ... I'm glad his uncle T-Rex has moved on...




1/ 25s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:03:14 10:56:58




And now for the close-up...





1/ 125s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:03:14 11:00:31




Have a great weekend and don't get eaten by any dinosaurs...

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 14 Mar 2015 22:17:08 GMT
unplanned This shot came from another project (not blog related).

The colors and balanced masses appealed to me , as did the empty stage, maybe waiting for something to happen...

I tried not to let Photoshop overwhelm the shot either.

Clicking on the image makes it larger.



1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:03:05 08:39:30


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:52:34 GMT
Palms I've spent more time than I probably should trying to get interesting photos of palm trees.

What I learned from this is...Palm trees are inherently boring!

So they need another element to make an interesting photo...Clouds seem like a natural way to go (pun not intended, sorry).

Just this last week we have had some good clouds, so I chased down a couple of palm trees I really like (on the third fairway at Alhambra Golf Course).

Clicking on the image will enlarge it.




1/ 100s, at f/18 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:28 17:56:27




The light, and the clouds, changed rapidly...





1/ 60s, at f/27 || E.Comp:0 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:28 17:55:04





This last shot looks like it was taken on some mid-Pacific atoll, still the third fairway at Alhambra...





1/ 250s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 75mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:28 18:05:23





That's it for today.

I hope you enjoyed, and as always, thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 03 Mar 2015 22:44:31 GMT
Convict Lake Convict Lake in the foothills of the Eastern Sierra at 7,850 feet provided some interesting light for this photographer.

I had an idea of the image I wanted and drove up during the early evening to take a look around.

Click on an image for a larger view...




Burning Bush1/ 640s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:12 16:55:50





Down to the water for driftwood...




Let Sleeping Logs Lie1/ 1250s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 170mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:12 16:44:10




A wider look at the lake...



Convict Lake Dead-fall1/ 125s, at f/27 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:12 16:37:22




The next morning I came back for the shot I was looking for the evening before...








Despite the lake, things are pretty dry in the Eastern Sierra as we head into year four of the drought...




Pine in the Gut1/ 6400s, at f/4.5 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 98mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:13 13:27:35




The crack in the rock reminds me this is earthquake country, not today thanks...




Cracked Rock1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 320 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:02:13 13:11:50



As always, thanks for taking a look. The bigger the screen the better the picture.

If you are new to the blog, and have too much time on your hands, links at the foot of the page will take you back to earlier entries.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:23:26 GMT
The first good sunrise of the year This Saturday morning I was up in time to catch the start of Sunrise. Being an absolute sucker for skyscapes it would have been hard not to grab the camera.

Here is what I got. If this looks a bit garish, I have actually toned it all down a bit...Hello Mr. Turner!


Click on a picture to make it larger.


The first hint of red on the horizon...




1/ 200s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 07:56:50




Things start to open up a bit...





1/ 100s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 360mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 07:53:57




The first 'plane of the day...




1/ 200s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 07:57:49





Now things start to go Technicolor...




1/ 320s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 08:05:06




And the colors start to change ...




1/ 320s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 180mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 08:03:40




And finally, the sun itself shows up...


1/ 640s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 08:10:35




And a last look at the sky before the whole settles back to grey, drizzle for the rest of the day.




1/ 400s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 120mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2015:01:10 08:13:50





What do they say about "Red sun in the morning..."?

Just glad I'm not a farmer I guess...


I hope you enjoyed it, and a bigger screens gives you a better picture!



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:45:54 GMT
Leaves In what passes for winter in Southern California deciduous trees do their thing. One, on a golf course (where I probably spend too much time) dropped some very colorful leaves.

I brought a handful home and dropped them on the concrete front of our fireplace with the late afternoon light coming in.

Here are the results...






1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: SUNNY 0. || ISO: 2500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:12:25 16:44:12












1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: SUNNY 0. || ISO: 2500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:12:25 16:40:27







And finally...






1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: SUNNY 0. || ISO: 2500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:12:25 16:49:14




Got to love that late light razoring in...


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:38:26 GMT
Peace on Earth  


Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men




1/ 640s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:34:36



I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful 2015!


Best regards, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 21 Dec 2014 01:02:28 GMT
B & W For those of you who wondered what happened to the Black & White he is...

I've been saving some of the black and white stuff for a single post. I feel  mixing black and white with color doesn't do either mode any favors.



A tree, a sky, mountains, snow...photographer heaven!

1/ 800s, at f/14 || E.Comp:0 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:25 04:20:19




The storm that gave us the snow gave me a pretty nice shot itself...




1/ 1600s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:23 03:25:08





The Dolomites ...




1/ 1000s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 95mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:21 01:20:08





The same range, different evening, different lens, different cloud...




1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 400mm || WB: FLASH 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:17 09:05:23





These clouds seen from the airplane flying home (it's good to get the window seat!)...




1/ 4000s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:11:01 02:34:11




The Great Lakes from 35,000 feet (I have no idea which one, but the waves must have been huge, way more comfortable from above)...




1/ 4000s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:11:01 08:16:42





When I saw this shot it dawned on me that things in the valley of the Inn haven't changed much in 400 years.

Coming up the valley on horseback on a cold snowy night, wet and hungry, and hoping the Bishop was feeling hospitable would have looked a lot like this in 1630...




1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:25 04:12:06




I hope you liked the images. Click on a photo to isolate it.

Not to nag, but it is more rewarding to look at these on a bigger screen.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 08 Dec 2014 00:59:03 GMT
December Moon Yesterday evening (December 4th) I caught this view of the moon and one of the last rain clouds of the day just after the sun had set.







1/ 320s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:12:04 17:53:45




I hope you like it as much as I do. Click on the image to male it larger.


Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 06 Dec 2014 01:20:57 GMT
Zurich We spent a few days in Zurich on our way home.

Wandering around town led to a random selection of images...




1/ 200s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 130mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:38:36




They work hard here but I guess they don't always agree on earphone styles...




1/ 200s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:48:40




The older part of town sports a lot of hanging shop signs...




1/ 200s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 120mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:59:57




And some less old timey...




1/ 160s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:00:40




What this guy is doing in the heart of capitalism I'm not sure...though he did spend years in exile in Switzerland before catching a train back to Russia for a bit of revolution...




1/ 125s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:09:29




An old chess set caught my eye...




1/ 320s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 145mm || WB: INCANDESCENT 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:40:04




Then a couple of circles...




1/ 60s, at f/4 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:54:58





Eat your heart out Starbucks...

And something a bit more seasonal...




1/ 80s, at f/4.5 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 135mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:16:52




Windows old...




1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:41:57




And new...




1/ 800s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:30 04:04:06




Lots of Lions...




1/ 160s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:28:29




A bit less warlike...




1/ 200s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:28:47




And this one looks like he has a dental issue ... or maybe he ate the guys wallet...




1/ 250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 08:30:24




This last shot involves a technique I've been starting to play around with. Very long exposure (in this case about 4-1/2 minutes). The water turns a lovely glassy texture, the details seem more intense and anything (or body) moving through the image disapears so you get a slightly post Neutron Bomb effect...




74.8s, at f/32 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:29 07:06:54




On that classical note I'll leave you for today.

Click on an image to make it bigger and remember, when it comes to screens, bigger is definitely  better.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 03 Dec 2014 19:45:34 GMT
Vals We went to the Valser Tal.  An area known for green fields and black granite...


1/ 640s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 62mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:26 04:32:00




Further up things get a little less hospitable...




1/ 1000s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 165mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:26 07:02:45





A slightly more abstract look...




1/ 800s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:26 06:58:15




A lake...




1/ 8000s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:26 07:15:11





And a waterfall...




1/ 1250s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 320mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:26 06:59:10





A short post today. I hope you enjoy.

A click on the image makes it larger.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:44:42 GMT
Windows The Lower Engadine Valley, it's river En flowing towards Austria and, eventually the Danube,is dotted with villages that date to before the 30 years war. The locals still speak Romansch, a "street" dialect of Latin, and it's not unusual that the beasts stabled under the house provide some of the warmth in winter.




It feels to a Los Angeles guy a little like waking up in Middle Earth...



Sunrise over the En Valley...




1/ 320s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:25 23:21:05





They've been keeping out unpopular neighbors for a while...





1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:25 04:11:54




A lot of morning mist at this time of year...





1/ 125s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:24 09:36:34




When the mists lift...the 21 st century is a while away...




1/ 1000s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:24 05:47:04






The walls are thick...




1/ 800s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:24 05:51:43





1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:23 07:59:14





And door handles have been around awhile...





1/ 320s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:24 06:56:15



There's something whimsical in the local architecture...





1/ 640s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:24 06:25:18




Some reflections...




1/ 250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:23 07:34:35




And some of the windows project...a way to get a little extra room into a small house...





1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:0 || 95mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:25 02:48:15




The local railway station hasn't been updated lately either...




1/ 800s, at f/14 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:24 05:12:30




As always, thanks for looking, clicking on a picture makes it larger and a larger screen is better.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:45:07 GMT
Fall This trip happened during the last two weeks of October and we caught the last of the autumn colors.


1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:19 04:36:54




Walks in mountain woods...





1/ 250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: FLASH 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:18 03:57:04




Some pretty light...




1/ 160s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:19 23:58:24



Occasionally, a bit of drama...




1/ 60s, at f/4 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 145mm || WB: FLASH 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:18 06:09:28




Not necessarily autumn color but an early morning sunrise...I think this one was worth the hike...The chapel (St. Vigilius Kirchl, in the local dialect) dates back to the 12th century.




1/ 80s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:2.33333333333333 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:19 22:31:44




A bit later in the day, on the way to lunch...




1/ 1000s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:21 03:30:30




Some grass...




1/ 250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 102mm || WB: FLASH 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:18 03:51:20




A pond on the way back...




1/ 1000s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-24 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:21 05:13:28





 Some more tree color..

1/ 160s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 155mm || WB: FLASH 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:18 06:44:51




...and a pretty amazing seed pod...




1/ 320s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:19 04:17:22




As always, clicking makes them larger and thanks for taking a look.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:34:15 GMT
Vitra This one comes under the heading of "Long Felt Want..."

Vitra is a Swiss company that manufactures designer furniture. It's main campus is about half an hour outside of Basle, just a bus ride away. We've made about three efforts to get there and this year we did it!

Well worth the effort. The factory burned down some time ago, and instead of throwing up any old tilt-up, the family hired architects that appealed to them to rebuild the facility.

As a result you have Frank Geary's first building in Europe (not shown, but you know what it looks like...), Zara Hadid's first building anywhere (a fire station, no less) and lot's of other great stuff.

Here are some pictures...



This is the bus station out on the highway...Jasper Morrison designed it and the seats are a Vitra mainstay...


1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 116mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 08:09:21



A bench at the Vitra Haus by Herzog and de Meuron...



1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 06:06:59




Putting together an Eames Chair...




1/ 100s, at f/5 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 07:34:03




They collected architectural odds and ends...Here's a Bucky Fuller Dome, it came from a Detroit auto dealership...


1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 04:28:52




And a first prefabricated gas station...this by Jean Prouve... though the colors look Texaco to me...


1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 04:31:51




Here's the fire house...Ms. Hadid does bigger things nowadays...


1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 04:44:08




Some coffee break shots...


1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 04:32:51




and...note the chairs...


1/ 320s, at f/9 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 04:33:16



...Alvaro Sira's brick monolith...


1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 04:37:16


Coffee breakers in the distance....



This is a part of Nicholas Grimshaw's factory building...dig the chairs...again...


1/ 400s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 05:27:30





The conference center was designed by Tadao Ando, who wasn't interested in the commission, but got talked  into it...

It's built in an old cherry orchard and he worked around most of the trees...You have to love the hard/soft contrast...


1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 05:31:47




The entrance way was designed to keep people in a single file and get them to calm down  a bit....


1/ 250s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 05:35:31




This guy really does concrete...and he gets curves too...


1/ 160s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 05:48:18



Finally the largest building on the site is a manufacturing/warehouse facility with an astonishing skin...




1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:28 05:21:57




Back to nature next time...

As always this looks better on a larger screen and clicking on  the image makes it bigger...

Thanks for looking....

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:05:21 GMT
South Tyrol We recently took a trip to Northern Italy and Eastern Switzerland.  Basically it's all "The Alps", just different bits belong in different countries...

Lot's of photo opportunities, one of which was this massive rock that sticks out into the main valley of the South Tyrol (that is a bit  of Italy that still thinks it's part of Austria, though it became part of Italy over 100 years ago, they still speak German there).

This hunk of scenery caught my eye and wouldn't let go...




1/ 1000s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 130mm || WB: FLASH 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:18 02:28:33




It's called the Gangkofel. The toothy bits behind it are the Dolomites...




1/ 1000s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 195mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:19 02:42:22




Time of day makes a big difference...




1/ 250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 190mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:19 22:44:45




As does location...




1/ 1000s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 160mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:21 02:02:04




Every time I looked it showed me a different image...




1/ 500s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 190mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:21 01:00:28




And, finally, this...




1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:21 05:50:58




So much for the Gangkofel...more mountains to come...

As always, click on an image to make it larger, and thanks for taking a look.



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:04:44 GMT
seaside We spent last weekend staying with friends down by the ocean.

I really liked the morning light.

1/ 320s, at f/9 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:05 07:28:59








1/ 250s, at f/8 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:10:06 08:20:47



Thanks to Heather and Trevor for the use of your balcony...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 07 Oct 2014 22:44:37 GMT
Fungus A friend of mine sent me a text that suggested I take a look at something growing on the stump of a Eucalyptus in his garden.

What I found took me into the alien world of Avatar...No nude blue people though, sorry...






1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 62mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:10 14:45:37






1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:10 15:05:48






1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:12 08:55:29








1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:12 08:54:07


Alien plants living among us?


Best, Ding




[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:23:40 GMT
Clouds (again) We had the hangover from a hurricane that ran up the Baja coast last week and left us with a sky full of clouds.

How could I resist?

The first three images were all taken pointing North, basically over Edwards Air Force Base, though you can't see that.


1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:07 17:10:19





Just a cloud...





1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:07 17:18:24





And another...





1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 86mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:07 16:48:17





On my way home I crossed the California Aqueduct...





1/ 640s, at f/11 || E.Comp:0 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:09:07 18:12:48



That's it for this post. As always I hope you enjoyed, click on the image to enlarge, and, yes, they will look better on something bigger than your phone.

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:17:48 GMT
C Street Bridge Those of you who remember my Los Angeles River project may also remember how the whole thing nearly disintegrated into The Bridges of Los Angeles County.

Well I've been bitten again...The Colorado Street Bridge,built out of concrete in 1913 and rebuilt in 1993 enters Pasadena from the West.

To me it has a sort of beaux arts/steampunk vibe...let's see what you think...



1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:19:52




Of course, it took me straight back to Black & White...


I call this shot "Bridge Music"...




1/ 50s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 122mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:02:45




Now the structure of the thing...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:16 17:43:39





Not to mention the graphics...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:16 17:48:52








1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:4/6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:40:14





It has this great curve...




1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:16 18:06:26








1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:35:48




Early morning filtered light gives it a bit more romance...





1/ 40s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:24:09




My favorite shot...




1/ 40s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 102mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:07:20





Speaking of Steampunk, this one makes me think of an aircraft carrier built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel...




1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 155mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:15 07:12:11




As always, a click on the photo enlarges it and feel free to root back through earlier posts.

Best, Ding



[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:10:05 GMT
Champagne Grapes Just one photo today.


I went to the Pasadena Farmers Market this morning and they had some great looking (need I add, and tasting) Champagne Grapes.

I got home and started unpacking the shopping bag on the kitchen counter, found a dish for the grapes, noticed the lovely soft light coming through the kitchen blind, and bingo, out came the camera...


I hope you like the results...




1/ 5s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:08:09 10:02:12






[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:38:38 GMT
Hawk I looked out the window last Thursday and saw a small huddled creature on the garden path. When I got close enough, i realized it was a small raptor. In fact, it turned out to be a Coopers Hawk.


Best I can tell, it was chasing its lunch (they eat smaller birds) and didn't notice the window until too late.


It was pretty stunned but clearly recovering and somewhat pissed off...well, who wouldn't be...missed your lunch and bonked on  the head!



1/ 160s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:31 14:19:07






By now it was moving around a bit...






1/ 200s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:31 14:18:54






That's not to say it wasn't still pretty pissed off...






1/ 400s, at f/11 || E.Comp:0 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:31 13:46:34



A few minutes later, it flew off, presumably to restart the hunt for lunch.

Click on the image to enlarge.

I hope you enjoyed the interlude with a bird, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 04 Aug 2014 18:00:31 GMT
Return from Wenatchee For those of you who didn't know, Rebecca has been working up in Wenatchee, Washington, for these last five and a half years. This involved a lot of commuting, the upside...a lot of miles on Alaska Airlines, the downside...a lot of commuting!

She finally packed in the job and I drove up to Wenatchee to help bring her and her things home. 

We took a pretty leisurely trip home, the bet part of which was the upper Sonoma coast.

Some photos from that area:


Click on photos for a larger image:



Kelp on the beach...

1/ 160s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:15 09:55:04






And a barn that would have tempted Edward Weston...






1/ 1250s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 130mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:15 09:43:34




Some cool rock formations...






1/ 400s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:15 09:58:51







Another barn, this one near Blewett Pass...






1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 98mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:12 11:25:34







Now for something jarringly different...Just before leaving Washington, the huge fires (turned out to be the largest in the states' history) started just up from Wenatchee at a small town called Entiat...






1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:08 17:50:08







Later on we came across this butterfly. Another bit of drama...







1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:07:12 11:22:09



As always links at the bottom of the page lead to earlier work...I hope you enjoy.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:09:19 GMT
Poppies The California state flower, Eschscholzia Californica or California Poppy, is in full bloom at this time of year, and last week I drove out to the California Poppy Reserve with a friend to have a look.

The flower is a bit of fuss budget, and will close at almost any excuse (clouds, wind...) so it's hard to catch it open, not least because the Reserve is in the Antelope  Valley, near a town called Lancaster, which is  almost always windy...

...Here is what I found...




Clouds and Poppies #11/ 5000s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 195mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:28 16:45:02








Clouds & Poppies #21/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:28 18:37:37





Add a crow...




Poooies, a Crow and a Road1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:28 18:16:12





And lastly...




Clouds & Poppies #31/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:28 17:08:02


A pretty place on a pretty day.

Click on the picture for an enlargement.


Best, Ding






[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 05 May 2014 23:38:52 GMT
Death Valley to Trona Here are the last images from my Death Valley jaunt. The first one, a sand dune, I had initially passed over, but I'm glad I took another look...




1/ 160s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:15 17:56:59




This one felt pretty gnarly, but I like the drama...




1/ 50s, at f/16 || E.Comp:0 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:15 18:59:32




Now we move south of the  valley to a stretch of desert just outside a small town called Trona. The feature here is know as the Trona Spires. They were formed millennia ago when this area was a vast lake. The spires are made from Tufa, similar to the spires at Mono Lake, just a LOT bigger...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:16 11:02:07




Up close they develop a lot more character...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:16 10:35:03








1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:16 10:38:46





1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:16 10:37:21





And finally...




1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:16 10:31:54




I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I did.

Remember, a click on the image enlarges it, and as always, these look better on a screen bigger than your cell phone.

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 01 May 2014 01:02:24 GMT
Death Valley This starts with some images from a part of Death Valley known as The Racetrack. It always makes me think of a Japanese print. Very graphic, very stripped down, simple really...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:14 17:26:52




The "island" is the lava plug leftover from an ancient volcano...




1/ 4000s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:14 17:59:46




My goal was to spend the night there and catch it in the light of a full moon.

We had clouds instead...




1/ 500s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-18 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:15 06:38:50




There were a few other people out there...




1/ 250s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:14 17:52:59




Another favorite part of the valley are the dunes at Stovepipe Wells...




1/ 200s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 170mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:15 18:00:23




Photographers have long been fascinated by these dunes...




1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:15 17:49:06





To end this weeks' submission I would like to offer an addition to the "Road goes on forever..." photographers 12 step withdrawal  program...You know who you are...




1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:04:16 08:21:04



As always, click on the links at the bottom of the post to go back to earlier editions, and these DO look better on a screen larger than a cell phone.


Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:27:48 GMT
Spring Actually, not so much about spring as about flowers.

I have some Bird of Paradise in a planter in my garden and four of them flowered all at once...




1/ 125s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 100mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:03:10 15:18:46




Then, as we were having the in-laws over for dinner, we bought a couple of bunches of flowers at the market. Irresistible photo subject.

First one tulip...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 110mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:03:16 15:29:24




And now two...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 98mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:03:16 15:49:30





To end with, an Iris...




1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:03:17 17:09:51




That's all for today. Click on an image to make it bigger.

And thanks for looking, Ding





[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:26:58 GMT
Owens Valley 3 A few more rocks and then a quick run up the valley to Mono Lake...

1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 122mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 17:16:10








1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 116mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:52:50








1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:53:58






I  couldn't help thinking I'd found Ozimandias (see poem by Shelly)...


1/ 320s, at f/13 || E.Comp:2/6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:02:50








1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:31:58







And Mono Lake...


1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 18:03:19








1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:2/6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:20 08:14:02






With apologies to Pink Floyd...


1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:20 08:04:36








This tree felt like the last tree on earth...


1/ 3200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:20 09:00:24



As always, I hope you enjoyed the trip.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:03:41 GMT
More Rocks  


Remember, clicking on the image will bring it full screen.


Starting with a sunrise over Owens Lake...



Sunrise, Owens Lake1/ 80s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 102mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 08:05:11




Here's an idea of what the Alabama Hills look like...




The Alabama Hills1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 10:19:05




Back to some close up shots...




A Peacful Moment1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 16:37:49








Here There Be Dragons II1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 130mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 17:28:58








Olmec Time1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:59:00








The Guardian at the Gate1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 125mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:14:11








Early Light, Large Rock1/ 2500s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:04:27








Soft Rocks1/ 8000s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 09:19:59









Viewing the View1/ 1000s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 120mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 08:53:34



That's today's post. Some more rocks and Mono Lake still to come.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 01 Mar 2014 18:32:04 GMT
rocks A week or so ago I took a ride up California 395, which goes all the way up the Owens valley until you bump into Nevada. The Owens Valley was the background to the movie Chinatown, which was based on how a very prescient guy called Mulholland, recognizing that Los Angeles was going to need a lot of water, went about getting it.  This was not a very popular move with folks who lived in the Valley which turned pretty much into a desert, the water wars lasted for years and seem to have finally petered out...but don't hold your breath!


Click on the photo to bring it full screen size, look for an X in the top right hand corner to get back.


We open with a shot of Owens lake at sunset...



Owens Lake at Sunset 2-20141/ 80s, at f/20 || E.Comp:0 || 135mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:19 07:48:46





That view was taken from the top of the Alabama Hills (named after a Confederate vessel of the civil war...don't ask!). The hills are famous for interesting rock formations...




Reclining 1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:13:20





Here are some more...





Big Sniff









A Boy and His...1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:31:06









Are You Looking at Me?1/ 125s, at f/20 || E.Comp:0 || 155mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:10:24









Are You Looking at Me ? II1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:56:23









Are You Looking at Me? III1/ 500s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:36:32









Here There be Dragons II1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 130mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 17:28:58









Upthrust 1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:18 15:57:53




That's it for this week. More to come, I hope you enjoy them.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 28 Feb 2014 01:33:17 GMT
nursery Someone recently asked me to shoot some pictures of their nursery.

Here are some of the results...



I couldn't resist the red hose!

1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:52:01



Something a bit more close up...




1/ 400s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:01:22



And you thought plants were green...




1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:10:37



Ok, green...




1/ 100s, at f/13 || E.Comp:0 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:48:51



Maybe not so much...




1/ 40s, at f/13 || E.Comp:0 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:48:23



How about grassy?



1/ 5000s, at f/4 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:22:52



A bit more grass...



1/ 80s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 08:41:34



One more grass shot...



1/ 500s, at f/11 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:24:37



Something more succulent...




1/ 160s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:12:31




Lush color...




1/ 320s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:40:06



And something that seems to fit our climate better...



1/ 1000s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:15:43



Now, a bit tropical...



1/ 320s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:35:22



And a couple of variations on red...



1/ 1250s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:00:39






1/ 2500s, at f/4 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:27:35



Back to green...



1/ 400s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:46:39






1/ 200s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 500 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 10:40:04



Another cactus thing...



1/ 1000s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:51:15



This feels like a spring thing to me...



1/ 8000s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 40mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:45:47




And finally...



1/ 200s, at f/18 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:13 09:09:53



That's all for now. As always you can find links to earlier posts at the bottom of the page.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 14 Feb 2014 19:22:49 GMT
Clouds Like nearly all photographers I have a fascination with clouds (Stieglitz anyone?). Yesterday's  storm  gave me a couple of images and I've been looking back through the files.

The first one is from yesterday, in black & white...




1/ 80s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:02 17:19:56

A Dream of Clouds




A couple of others, this one also in black & white...




1/ 160s, at f/5 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2012:11:16 07:24:59

Is That a Bridge I See Before Me 




And another one that appeared yesterday evening...




1/ 80s, at f/13 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 98mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:02:02 18:21:41

There Be Dragons




Last but not least a bit of Technicolor sunset stuff...




1/ 160s, at f/4 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:12 18:01:08




That's all for now folks.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:57:02 GMT
Still Lives I've been looking at still lives a lot lately.It's always been a bit of a mystery to me how a painter could take some fruit or a bowl or some dead fish and whatnot and make something interesting out of them. The Dutch Old Masters especially.

So I thought I'd give it a try...

I found some interesting looking oranges (thank you Dorothy)...


1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:01:29 15:43:03





An Indian bowl and a bit of green velvet...





1/ 125s, at f/13 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:01:27 18:28:16










1/ 3s, at f/13 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:01:26 17:53:16





So now I know why they call them Masters.



Then I went outside and found this...




1/ 125s, at f/13 || E.Comp:0 || 58mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 640 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2014:01:29 16:21:23


I call this image Paradise with an Ant.


I think I'll go back to landscape photography next, see you soon .

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 30 Jan 2014 01:15:29 GMT
Amsterdam 2 A few more images of Amsterdam:

Some pretty effective transportation solutions:

1/ 160s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:30 03:56:15




You might remember this guy from last week...




1/ 160s, at f/16 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 78mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 6400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:27:10




Bikes are still the most popular form of getting from point A to B...




1/ 125s, at f/4.5 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 122mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:47:32




We stopped in at a local design show, there were some pretty cool shoes on display...




1/ 30s, at f/8 || E.Comp:0 || 44mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:30 04:22:02





1/ 125s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:30 04:31:39






1/ 25s, at f/8 || E.Comp:0 || 52mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:30 04:21:26




And speaking of design - look who's coming to town...Given the chic shopping area the locals must think Carhartt is fashion forward!




1/ 50s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:33:38





An architectural feature to rival the gables on the canal-side houses are the rose windows...





1/ 100s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 04:35:56






1/ 125s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 04:37:33






1/ 50s, at f/3.5 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 82mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 00:40:20






1/ 125s, at f/3.5 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 90mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 00:41:44






1/ 30s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 90mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 00:49:52




Far a more contemporary take on window dressing...





1/ 50s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 90mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:21:25




Here's a view back across the river Ij to the main station...





1/ 500s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 05:17:21




I couldn't help wondering who this guy was waiting for...





1/ 160s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 05:46:24

Or what was going through his mind!



A few more traditional views...




1/ 500s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 62mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 400 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 04:40:24





1/ 125s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 80mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:28:45




And a little street wonder...





1/ 250s, at f/10 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 48mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:30 07:02:05



For some of us, life's a big old bubble!


I wish everyone a wonderful 2014.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 26 Dec 2013 19:45:28 GMT
Amsterdam During November Rebecca and I took a trip to Amsterdam. I hadn't been back in, probably, 20 something years. I waited too long. It's a very cool place. We spent a week there and it was nowhere near enough time.

Here are some impressions...

Barging Through Town1/ 80s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 105mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:07:00

Still a very water-centric place...

Commuting1/ 125s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 92mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 01:23:18


Homes along the canals tend to have a wild variety of gables...


1/ 200s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 145mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 07:42:32


1/ 100s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 190mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 08:15:09


1/ 320s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 145mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 08:25:07


1/ 1000s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 185mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 08:26:32


1/ 400s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 112mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 08:30:37


1/ 125s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 135mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:26 08:42:11


1/ 80s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 185mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 00:48:35


1/ 80s, at f/5 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 170mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:28 00:51:02


One day we went to Haarlem, a small  town half an hour away by train...


1/ 2000s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:27 04:09:24


The central church has an amazing ceiling....


A Boat Builders Ceiling1/ 100s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:27 06:43:36


And a pretty cool organ. Mozart played it when he was ten years old...


1/ 50s, at f/5 || E.Comp:-16 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:27 06:39:37


Lastly, another part of the ceiling...


1/ 15s, at f/5 || E.Comp:0 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 2000 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:27 06:42:06


More next week.

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 18 Dec 2013 18:17:56 GMT
Pelicans So a few more bird photos...Once again, mostly pelicans. I still don't understand how something so ungainly can seem so elegant or how a creature so plug ugly can be that beautiful...

Two Brown Pelicans, the one with the brown head is a juvenile...


Formation FlightFormation Flight




Just for a little variety here's a fairly intense Snowy Egret...




Time for my Close UpTime for my Close Up




Back to Pelicans...






Wings FrontWings Front





Here are a couple of takeoff shots...




















Incoming cormorant...










And some more pelicans...





Twin FlightTwin Flight





This guy seems to be sending up a well known statue that hangs out at the Louvre...Or maybe it's a holdover from the Laguna Beach Pageant...





Morning with Winged VictoryMorning with Winged Victory43





This looks like sunset, but actually a hot sunrise...





Copper CoastCopper Coast




It may be a while before the next post. We're heading out of town for Thanksgiving. Wishing you and yours the best for the holiday (and if you live somewhere where the Thanksgiving Holiday doesn't apply...have a super meal and eat too much anyway).


Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 19 Nov 2013 22:57:50 GMT
The Birds An old friend of mine, Adam Felde, who sold me my Nikon D3 and, as a result, got me back into the picture taking business, called the other day to see if I was interested in going out to Bolsa Chica, a local bird sanctuary one morning. We met at 6:15 and here is some of what I saw...



One Small Step...One Small Step...1/ 320s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 08:10:53




There were all kinds of aquatic birds feeding there that morning, but the pelicans were fascinating, very prehistoric...




Brown PelicanBrown Pelican1/ 3200s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 08:39:01





Beady Eye AboveBeady Eye Above1/ 5000s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 220mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 08:45:27




This is a snowy egret looking a bit bashful...





Bashful Snowy EgretBashful Snowy Egret1/ 4000s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 08:43:03





But I kept going back to the pelicans...







Awkward DanceAwkward Dance1/ 2000s, at f/8 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 230mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 08:46:51




And feeding is what the whole thing was about...





Bon ApetiteBon Apetite1/ 800s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 09:18:23




Ungainly creatures, but they can strike a pose...





Wings RisingWings Rising1/ 4000s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 260mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1250 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:11:07 09:22:19



More to come soon. As always links at the bottom of the post will lead to earlier editions.

Hope you enjoy, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:00:00 GMT
The Palouse in B & W Having worked through a selection of images, I like to leave it alone for a while, then go back and see what I've missed.


Here are some more images from The Palouse series, this time in black and white, which sort of suites the whole graphics thing...



1/ 800s, at f/9 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:21 08:43:19



1/ 40s, at f/22 || E.Comp:4/6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 14:57:57



1/ 800s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:-6 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 15:31:36



1/ 640s, at f/7.1 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 15:45:17



1/ 250s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 150mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 09:17:47



1/ 125s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 24mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 14:50:04



1/ 4000s, at f/2.8 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 09:28:24


That's all for today. I hope you enjoy. As always links at the bottom of the post lead you back to earlier posts.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:13:26 GMT
Allans Orchids Redux A few weeks ago I sent out some pictures of a potted orchid. I've stayed with the project as the plant continued to wilt, and, no surprise here, I've decided I like the images a lot better in Black and White.


Here goes:



1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 16:51:37



1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 16:45:33



1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 17:00:42


1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:29 15:04:25




1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:29 14:44:36



1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:29 14:36:02

Now they are starting to age appreciably...


1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:26 11:08:35



1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:24 15:34:22



This one almost seems translucent...


I have no idea what comes next, best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 31 Oct 2013 02:37:48 GMT
Allans Orchids A long time ago (it seems now) at the opening of my show, Allan brought Rebecca and I a potted Orchid. The thing has held up wonderfully well, but is just beginning to show signs of wilt. I decided to photograph it, here are the results...




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 16:45:33




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 17:00:42




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 16:46:29




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 16:45:41




1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:10:08 16:51:37




Two are very similar, just a slight change in point of view.


My favorite is the last one.


Hope you enjoyed, Ding


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 09 Oct 2013 17:33:30 GMT
Fourth Palouse This trip keeps on giving...

1/ 125s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-2 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:16 11:09:02


Texture everywhere out here...



1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 175mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:19 07:22:59


Slightly eerie light...



1/ 125s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:21 10:59:48



You've already seen this image, this is a wider look at the same view. I'm intrigued by the "spine"...



1/ 2000s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 06:22:08


More hay bales...



1/ 60s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 175mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:19 07:22:13



I called this one Early Power...



1/ 640s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 07:00:22



Two lonely trees...

1/ 160s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 70mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:19 09:53:55



And a lonely cloud...


1/ 640s, at f/14 || E.Comp:-10 / 6 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:19 15:07:24



That's it for this week. Hope you enjoyed...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:20:07 GMT
Palouse 2 Continuing the roam around The Palouse...



1/ 250s, at f/20 || E.Comp:-12 / 6 || 35mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:15 09:57:55


Most of the farms had their hay mown and the winter wheat also...



1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 82mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 08:32:20



The light was amazing and played some odd tricks, like this freshly tarmacked road...



1/ 100s, at f/22 || E.Comp:0 || 200mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:19 16:25:13



There is one high butte that gives great views over the country...



1/ 2500s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-8 / 6 || 140mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 06:24:53



But just looking closely at a field can be rewarding...



1/ 80s, at f/22 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 195mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 800 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 07:26:11






1/ 1600s, at f/5.6 || E.Comp:-4 / 6 || 400mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 1600 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 06:20:03



Getting up early to catch the sunrise, I caught the moonset instead...



1/ 80s, at f/6.3 || E.Comp:-14 / 6 || 190mm || WB: AUTO 0. || ISO: 3200 || Tone: || Sharp: || Camera: NIKON D3on: 2013:08:20 05:37:07


As always, links at the bottom of the page take you back to earlier posts.


More next week....thanks, Ding


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:46:03 GMT
Palouse II The first image is leftover from Oregon's Painted Hills...after that we get into The Palouse ...



Sunrise, due East of Wenatchee...




Sunrise and sunset were the best...more sunrise....




By the time I got there the farmers were harvesting winter wheat...







Big farms...




And some old ones...




Big equipment too...



Big  country!

More to come. Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 05 Sep 2013 22:17:13 GMT
The Palouse O.K. It's summer and time for a road trip.

I planned to go and look at a region in South Eastern Washington/South Western Idaho/North Eastern Oregon known as The Palouse.

I drove up thorough Bend and stopped overnight at a state park called Painted Hills. Fair point: This has nothing to do with The Palouse, but it's a pretty cool rock formation...


Now we get closer...































And finally for today...





As always, I hope you enjoyed, links below will lead to earlier posts.

Best, Ding


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sat, 31 Aug 2013 00:25:08 GMT
The Show is Coming So, more shameless promotion...

Arroyo Secco South Pasadena


My photo show, "Los Angeles River Flows" opens on Thursday the 8th at 6:00 p.m.


Three Bikes and a Skateboard

I really hope to see you there.


Calumet Photographic

1135 N. Highland Blvd.

Hollywood, CA 90038


It's half a block North of Santa Monica Blvd. on the Western side of the street.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 07 Aug 2013 02:10:07 GMT
North West We spent a night on Lummi Island, a very small member of the San Juan's,  off the Washington coast.

Very pretty light...

Pretty dramatic seascapes...

And a big cloud...

I was taken by the amount of color in the beach pebbles...

Early light the next morning...

Finally we ended up back in Wenatchee, looking North on the Columbia...

As always, if you missed earlier posts and you're interested, there are links back at the bottom of the blog.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 16 Jul 2013 01:19:28 GMT
Bombs Bursting in Air The little town of Altadena got a jump on the festivities with a fireworks display on July 2nd.

Here are some of the bangs and whistles...

Something a little more serene...

And staying with a floral feeling...

This one somehow takes me underwater...

A real bang to go out with....

Wishing you and yours a wonderful 4th and a great summer...


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 04 Jul 2013 00:36:42 GMT
a short flight As I've mentioned before, I've been working on a project involving the Los Angeles River. Last week a friend of mine was kind enough to give me a short ride over the mouth of the river and the port of Los Angeles.

His airplane is a small US made job called a Citabria. It seats two, for and aft, has wings made of cloth painted with aircraft dope, and generally feels like your driving an old Morgan with wings. Very cool.

Here are a few images that came out of the flight.

Early evening looking right at the mouth of the river. You can just make out the dome built to cover Howard Hughes' Spruce goose on the left...


Looking back up the river, the City of Los Angeles is poking out of the mist at the upper left of the frame...


Some of the big boys hanging out at the mouth of Los Angeles harbor...See if you can spot the Goodyear blimp...Catalina Island with an oil rig...

Catalina and the Oil Wells


This last has nothing to do with the LA River project. However there will be a show of some of the river project images (none seen here) opening at the Calumet Gallery on Highland Ave. in Hollywood on August 8th. I hope you can make it.

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Sun, 30 Jun 2013 22:31:36 GMT
Large Moon You probably heard about the "Super Moon" last week. This happens when the moons orbit brings it to it's closest point to planet earth, about once every 13 or 14 months (very scientific, that).

We had a pretty clear evening on the 22nd so I dug out the camera and tripod, put my longest lens and a 2x lens extender on it and here are the results.

I hope you enjoy.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:27:10 GMT
Horseman I've been working on a series of images having to do with the Los Angeles River. Fair warning, these are not those images.

Still, one of the images I've had in mind for the project involves a vaquero riding in the river. In order to get that image I went and found a vaquero who was willing to pose in the river with his horse.

Here are some of the outtakes.... The next 5 shots show the vaquero getting off the horse in a more authentic (?) way...

And now for some details...

Real silver...

And finally the star himself...

My thanks to Brett Acevedo and his horse...Here's a sneak preview of two of the final images, one of which will go into the series...

That's all for now folks


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 06 Jun 2013 18:53:22 GMT
Carmel We took a trip to Carmel, a very picturesque bit of California, much beloved by the F64 photographers, and for good reason.

I came over all Black & White...

An overview. The golf course is less benign than you might think, designed by the diabolical Pete Dye!

For the next shot, my apologies to Georgia O'Keefe...

Not that she had much to do with Carmel as far as I know...

The whole California Oak in a Sun Bleached Field of Grass thing is pretty irresistible ...


Finally a non-oak, probably a eucalyptus...

I hope you liked the images.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 03 Jun 2013 18:29:26 GMT
Arlington Agave Just off Arlington Drive and Pasadena Avenue is a wonderful garden. To quote their website "Arlington Garden is a collaboration among Betty and Charles McKenney, the City of Pasadena, and Pasadena Water & Power, who combined to create Pasadena’s only dedicated public garden, on property leased by the City from Caltrans."

This great little (actually 3 acres  so not SO little) garden has, among many other fine plants and trees some really great cacti.

I was there the other day and was much taken by the Agave.


I found it got more interesting as I got closer...

OK, that's cheating a little, it's not JUST the Agave...

So now we get closer the the Agave...

And getting pointier...

And pointier still...

Definitely don't want to bang into the thorns on this thing...

And now for a choice. I'd be interested to hear your preference...

This reveals my bias to Black & White...Which do you prefer?

To finish, something a bit off the theme, though it IS a cactus, just don't ask me to name it...

As always, I hope you enjoyed the photos, and thanks for looking.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 21 May 2013 22:42:43 GMT
Unusual Sunset A very short post today, only two images. Yesterday evening (Thursday May 9th) we had a pretty loud thunderstorm followed by rain just at sunset.

Here's what it looked like from my garden.

It makes me think of Turner...

I also included the two agave plants that have been flowering in a second shot...

That's all folks, have a spectacular weekend...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 10 May 2013 17:21:08 GMT
May Day in Los Angeles There is always a big demo on May first, the union folk like to show up as do those in favor of a change in the immigration laws, and, this being LA a few other interesting folk. Let's start with an overview...

Get This Show on the Road

Some one has to get the folks excited...

Exhorting the Crowd ...and someone needs to keep things under control...

Cops and Shadows

O.K. we're off...

Anestiya Lots of Flags today...Some in distress...

Flag in Distress

Others feeling fierce...


Flag on the Musicians' Truck Some folks are a little shy...

Hiding Behind the Flag

Flag on a Bike

Redhead with Flag The Press were there and hard at it...

Salvadorenya Pressed by the Press Some faces speak volumes...

Wisdom and Beauty And the intergalactic brigade showed up, I guess it's the immigration thing...

It's Los Angeles

All the angles got covered...

Covering the Angles Lots of different ages...

Thoughtful Guy


Campeseno And different approaches to hair care...


Captain with 15 Years In I don't think the arrow pointing left signifies anything here..

Queer Contingent The rainbow coalition were out...

TG Guy And a different kind of pride...

Proud Hat Keep up with the news...

The Daily News The hidden eye...

Eyeball That

People chose their own comfort level...

Whatever Gets You There And their own style statement...

It's the Look, Man

I'm not sure if this guy was for or agin...Mr. O. Comes to Town This guy was pretty clear about where he stood...

Orgouillo I hope you have a good month of May wherever you are.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Mon, 06 May 2013 00:28:28 GMT
For the Birds I have a couple of Agaves in my garden that are flowering, very dramatic and, as a side benefit, they attract birds.

Hummingbirds like the nectar, and we have a nesting pair of Northern Orioles that are after the ants (the ants climb the stems to milk the aphids that have appeared around the flowers).

Here is the female Oriole...


As is often the case the female is a little drab compared to the male...

Who is a bit of a showoff...

Birds, especially small birds, are very hard to photograph as they move incredibly quickly...

And another one of the hummingbird...

I hope you enjoyed...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Tue, 30 Apr 2013 22:12:30 GMT
Revisiting Namibia Sometimes it pays to go back and have another look... The Kalahari...And a big bird...

Two photos of an area known as Dead Vlei...A Vlei is a dry lake bed, you can see where the rest of the name comes from...

Near by is a lake amongst the sand dunes known as Sossusvlei...

And to finish with (for now) the fog coming in from the Atlantic...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 18 Apr 2013 00:10:46 GMT
Sunday in Seattle Spent a great weekend in Seattle.

It rained.

Here are some Sunday morning photos...

Early Sunday, Seattle And finally, making my getaway...

See you again...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:38:56 GMT
Morning at the track I spent a few hours at Santa Anita race track the other day, watching the morning rituals.

Here are a few images:

This is Southern California, so there are palm trees...15 Palm Trees

I wasn't always sure who was in control...

Pulling Jock

Sometimes that was more obvious...

Screaming Horse

There are some colorful characters, regulars all I suspect...

Fur Guy


The Punter

Finely, a couple of young jocks...

Young Jocks

A slightly different theme than the last lot, I hope you enjoy.


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 07 Mar 2013 00:05:37 GMT
The last of the Namibia photos for now I'm finally running out of images from our Namibia trip, so a last gasp...A Rocky River Runs Through It This next, the edge of the Dead Vlei ...

Edge of the Dead Vlei Scalloped Dunes the Big Picture And another amazing dune formation from the air...

Dali Fold Some animals...A sightly too cute zebra...Zebra close-up A baby elephant that got into it with a small white bird...

Shoo! An impala...

Impala Some other antelope (Gemsbok)...

Gemsbok who's looking at who? A fast mover, moving fast...

Fast Mover Two more airborn images of the salt ponds...

Purple Salt And...Salt Lagoons at Swakopmund And, to end with, the King himself...

The Lion I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we did. As always, if you are interested follow the links at the bottom of the page to prior editions and other photos.

I expect to be back with a new series of a very different nature in a while, until then, thanks following along.

Best, Ding

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 09 Jan 2013 23:27:03 GMT
A bit of a roundup The Etosha Pan is an epic dry lake bed, but it is surrounded by amazing grasslands


Etosha Grassland: Blog


This image was taken further south on our way to the Brandberg

Dead Thorn Tree: blog And this is the Brandberg itself

Burnt Mountain: Blog

One of the largest mountains in Namibia

Some odd flora along the way

White Tree: Blog

And of course, thorns

Thorns V2: Blog

And, finally,  back to the Etosha Pan for this weeks animals

Ostriches in the Mist: Blog Some early morning ostriches...See you next week, I hope...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 04 Jan 2013 19:12:03 GMT
A few more landscapes I've liked the landscapes best. Both the big pictures and the close ups...Hard Edge Sand: Blog Sometimes something even simpler...

One Blade of Green: Blog But a bit of distance also works. In this case around 4,000 feet...

Starfish Dune: Blog Strange things come out of the sand...

The Big Chin: Blog This huge desert follows hundreds of miles of the Namibian coast. Seeing it from a small plane is the best bet...

Looking East Across the Skeleton Coast: Blog This is the small town we flew out of, Swakopmund...

Swakopmund: Blog And finally, the beasts of the week...

Belly Up to the Bar: Blog

As always the links at the bottom of this post will lead anyone who is interested back to the earlier posts.

Here's to a terrific 2013.

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 27 Dec 2012 18:28:10 GMT
Some more landscapes ... and a very small animal... We came across this tree at the edge of the Etosha Pan...

Tree of Life: Blog Perhaps when you compare it to the Pan itself you'll see why it stood out...

The Etosha Pan: Blog Essentially a HUGE dry lake bed that floods every rainy season...

Thorns Detail: Blog Nearly every plant in Namibia seemed covered in thorns...

Early on the Road to Sossusvlei: Blog This was early morning looking down the valley on the way to Sossusvlei..

Diagonal Dune: Blog When you get close to the sand it tells a lot of stories...

The Newspaper: Blog Back over the coast we crossed a large colony of seals on the beach...

Seal Colony, Skeleton Coast: Blog And to end this week something warm and furry ...

Dik-Dik: Blog These little antelope, called dick-dicks,  stand about two and a half feet high  at the tip of their horns.

Thanks for taking the time to look ... Hope to see you next week...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 21 Dec 2012 02:04:04 GMT
Sunrise, sunset and a big animal... Early mornings offered some high drama...


African Sunrise: Blog

But then the sunsets weren't bad either...My partner Ceri, captivated by a sand dune...

Ceri, dunestruck at sunset: Blog

Back to the morning again

Sossusvlei morning: Blog The sand could be pretty amazing at any time of day...

Sand riple: Blog That last one from the ground, this next one from the air...

Sand Dune near Skeleton Coast: Blog And just to get away from the sand for a minute,  a large creature...


Rhino: Blog He certainly weighed more than our Toyota truck...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 14 Dec 2012 01:24:56 GMT
Still sandy... As I work through the photos I made on this trip,I think the landscapes are still the strongest images ...

Sperrgebiet from 4,000 ft: Blog. Back on the ground...


Wind: Blog

One small plant in a sea of that's not dirt on your screen...

Something grows: Blog

The Atlantic gets all the way to Africa...

The Atlantic Meets Africa: Blog

Here are some beasts (to take a break from all that sand)...

Elephants at the watering hole: Blog These birds are pretty large..The head tops out at above my knees....

Secretary Bird: Blog



And, yes, the light from the rising sun really did give this guy the punk dye job!

Young Punk, Sunrise, Etosha: Blog

Hope to see you next week....


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 29 Nov 2012 05:05:50 GMT
Strangness and a bit more sand There are over one hundred different types of weaver birds in Namibia, this is the nest of one of them. I thought it looked like a U.F.O.

Weaver U.F.O.

Back in the land of sand dunes, the Impala gives you a sense of the scale of things...Small Impala, Big Dune: Blog

The sand sometimes shows you things...eye in the sand dune: Blog

It's still the desert, and the sun...




Hot Sun : Blog


The light is so strong things get graphic quickly...

Sun Chiseled Sand Dunes: Blog Back up in the sky...

4,000' Over Mars: Blog And just for some relief...Young Impala: Blog Thanks for looking, more next week...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Thu, 22 Nov 2012 01:56:20 GMT
Sea, Salt and Sand Sunset near Walvis Bay: Blog

We crossed a very large plain of grass heading down to the coast at Walvis Bay.


Veldt at Sunset: Blog It's hard to get a sense of how big Africa feels as you drive across it.


Whaling Station, Swakopmund Blog In Walvis Bay, once a whaling station, a relic from the old times.Salt Pond: Blog

Salt processing from the ocean is a big business in Namibia.


Salt Pans: Blog This leads to some strange chemistry. The dried salt across the horizon of this image is almost a kilometer away, the colors unreal.Dolphin: Blog This guy was a bit further out.The Skeleton Coast: Blog An aerial view of the skeleton coast.

The Skeleton Coast Looking West: Blog Another angle on the dunes running into the Atlantic.

We'll get back inland next week...


[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 16 Nov 2012 01:51:57 GMT
The trip goes on... On the Road to Somewhere: Blog It's a big country, in three weeks we drove over 4,000 kms...

People build signs at the entrance of their property so others can find them, a couple of old shoes...

Signpost 2 : Blog or something more elaborate...

Signpost 1: Blog

We drove South...Cockerbom: Blog Trees an rocks ...

Monster: Blog The Northern end of the Kalahari Dessert...

Northern Kalahari: Blog It's a big country with big skies and long roads...

Chasing Sand into Walvis Bay: Blog Sandy and windy at sunset...

More to come...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Fri, 09 Nov 2012 04:49:32 GMT
Traveling... Moving along through Namibia, one of the least populated counties on earth...The road to Sossusvlei:blog

We traveled by truck ( a Toyota HiLux diesel 4x4) and for one short and amazing afternoon by plane:

Swakopmund Lighthouse:blog We saw dunes (these are the largest sand dunes on earth) at a place called Sosusvlei..

Sossusvlei Sand Dune:blog From the ground and from the air...

The Dune Dessert, Sossusvlei:blog A few more from the air...


Sand dune from the sky:blog

Scalloped Dune: blog

Blown Dunes: blog More to come next week...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 31 Oct 2012 17:09:06 GMT
This has taken awhile... This spring's trip to Namibia was a rare chance for me to get my photographers brain back out of hibernation.

I intend to start posting some of the images I caught. I hope you'll enjoy them.

ZebraFeeding zebras: blog 10/24/12 A Zebra feeds her youngster...

Lioness on the hunt: blog 10/24/12

The lioness' are watching...

Spotting lunch: blog 10/24/12

Is it time to hunt?

Lunch on the run: blog 10/24/12 Zebras on the run...

Lioness in full chase: blog 10/24/12 Chased by a lioness...

Missed lunch: blog 10/24/12 The zebras got away...

[email protected] (Reflected Light) Wed, 24 Oct 2012 00:02:49 GMT