Return to the Edge

May 18, 2018

A small dam separates Upper and Lower Otay Lakes in San Diego County. 

I noticed the dam whilst driving by and stopped. It looked like I had found a new subject for an old (and, I suspect, never ending) project, The Edge.

The Edge deals with the things one finds between the end of the city and the beginning of whatever comes beyond.

I walked up to the top of the dam and then worked my way down to the lake. As I moved down the hill, I thought I'd found a story ...



Despite the City of San Diego's dire warning, graffiti covered every inch of the dam, someone must have clung like a bat to the higher reaches to get paint on the surface...




There's a pond between the dam and the lower lake...







Off to the side of the pond I found this memento mori. 

What happened here? Did it have to do with the dam, with the graffiti?




The fresh flowers spoke to a recent visit.


Further down the hill there is a passageway under the road...Was this, too, a part of the memorial?

San Diego is still discouraging visitors...






Passing through leads to Lower Otay Lake. Picturesque in it's own way...







Mysterious place, the Edge...


As always, thanks for looking. Here are links to earlier posts from the same project...

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